Saddler: "I would never trust an American, even one infected by Las Plagas"

>Saddler: "I would never trust an American, even one infected by Las Plagas"
>Saddler: "Leon, once you're infected by Las Plagas, I'll trust you"

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Never trust a jew that converted.

I don't know. Brother Nathanael seems based but also borderline schizo. I'd like to see him and Varg Vikernes have a debate.

What was in the bag?

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Hopes and Dreams of resi fans getting a good RE game ever again

it was Steve, sold by wesker

the Mary Sue of viruses

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This game is so good brahs

Probably Rebecca's character development

Alright folks, rate me.

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>no tmp
>pleb 9 with stock
>new game+ on normal difficulty

It really is, shame about the last part of the game

>trigger discipline

It's a parasite.

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I replayed it last month, first time since the Wii version came out. It was honestly better than any other AAA game I've played of late, and even the island isn't nearly as bad as it was in memory. Other than a handful of rooms I'd say the island was just as good as the castle segments, and the re generator was enough to keep it really enjoyable.

the issland felt so out off place, even more as a spanish, it shouldve been a bonus campaign with ada or wesker

OP none of RE4 makes coherent sense, don't try to understand it. Krauser can backflip 50 ft up in the air on to a ledge but he struggles in knife combat with human Leon, and part of his plan to support Wesker was to allow himself to be infected with las plagas and become Saddler's little faggot permanently but GET THIS, HE HAS HIS OWN FREE WILL ANYWAY AND ITS NEVER FUCKING TALKED ABOUT.

This isn't NG+.

oh, never mind, someone already beat me to it

You say this after the medieval castle with massive stone elevators, TWO rollercoasters, a Looney Tunes trapdoor death pit and the fucking volcano inside of it? If anything, the island would've given you whiplash because of how tame it was. Aside from the zombie crane game and laser room, obviously.

he was never infected with las plagas

Remake changes:
>General increase in seriousness, decrease in campiness
>No "the President has equipped his daughter with ballistics"
>No "You're small-time!"
>No "I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt"
>No "bothersome fly"
>No "You're right hand comes off?"
>No weirdly dramatic MIIIIIIKE reading
>No Leon calling Ashley "sweetheart"
>No "overtime"
>Areas now have different colors on the map if you have more to find in them ala RE2R
>No Ashley getting angry if you look up her skirt
>No merchant being a Ganados with absolutely no explanation
>No box snakes
>No that dog
>No boulder run segments
>No Mexican accents
>No guy in a house's bathroom that consists of just one urinal
>No attache case
>No ridiculously huge phone
>No Chief Mendez having a weird, raspy voice
>No midget dressed like Napoleon
>Either no regenerator, it's a boss, or the rifle is free like the shotgun
>No midget dressed like Napoleon
>No wacky dialogue between Leon and Salazar
>No line about terrorism
>No Loony Toons-style trapdoor
>No insane minecart ride
>No Donkey Kong barrels rolling down as you ascend a tower
>No laser grid
>No lounging in Saddler's chair for no reason
>No robot spider bombs in the Krauser fight
>No helicopter pushing a tower full of explosives over with its nose as a surprise attack
>More dramatic Plaga removal scene
>More dramatic Luis death scene
>No Leon constantly calling Luis "Louis"
>Expanded cult backstory
>No weird bag in the dumpster
>Hunnigan renamed Hannigan to match with later games
>No Leon hitting on Hunnigan at the end after turning Ashley down

are there any other must-play KINO like resi 4 that everybody should play alteast once, and is on multiple platforms?

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What? Yes he fucking was. You don't get to play on team saddler unless you are one of them. During the fight he carries the same blood war paint as the monks do.

it's the setting, the islanders looked Caribbean

he was infected with veronica

>the American prevailing cliche only happens in hollywood movies
>i will break this cliche by transforming into a giant monster just like every other video game ever made
for a second here i thought they might have done something revolutionary, oh well

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He was, Saddler gave Krauser the dominant plaga and later Wesker used his body as source of this dominant plaga, after Ada screwed him over.

I didn't like that some farmers had found a better bow than umbrella, I think las plagas shouldve been a combination of the veronica virus and the nemesis parasites, saddler and the rest couldve been part of umbrella europe

like what

Ahh, you're stupid. Makes sense

Saddler could've turned into a cute girl instead

The whole point is that Saddler's a fucking idiot.

You already did with the giant midget living napoleon statue robot thing

What? No he fucking wasn't you mong. The story of RE4 and it's basis in it's own lore really is just that retarded. Krauser is a plagas, but one with total free will which capcom didn't even bother to try explain.

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