Poorfag here, looking for decent ssd for gaming. Recommendations?

Poorfag here, looking for decent ssd for gaming. Recommendations?

Attached: samsung_850.jpg (1920x1080, 50.82K)

If it is for a console, don’t bother.

>ssd for gaming
...so you don't even know whan an SSD is?

You can load your games on a SSD. This isn't 2009 where 120gb was the max.

ssd boot games faster

did you have to make a whole thread here for this

As far as I know it's for storage, and better than hdds. I only said for gaming because we're on the video game board

buy anything made in the past 5 years

samsung makes the most reliable ones

Give me somewhere else to ask this on this site

It doesn't matter that much in the long run. Just get any Sata SSD with the size you need.

Don't pay more for a nvme drive for gaming, it's worth it fore your boot drive, but unless you have money to throw around meh.