Should I get Pokemon Sword or just get Mystery Dungeon instead? Heard a lot of people saying Sword and Sheild suck...

Should I get Pokemon Sword or just get Mystery Dungeon instead? Heard a lot of people saying Sword and Sheild suck. Is it true?

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They aren’t as bad as most people say, they’re just bland and unoriginal. The mystery dungeon game isn’t much of an improvement over the original either. But if you like Pokémon it’s still pokemon, actually some decent new mons, just don’t expect to be surprised, impressed or wowed by anything in these

I havent played a pokemon game since Diamond, so if its better than that game then Ill be pleasantly surprised. Im just looking for something new to play. I was gonna get hyrule warriors but the amazon reviews keep saying theyre revieving empty cases, so Ill just buy that irl.
Mystery dungeon I was only gonna get cause of nostalgia. Ill get that next though and just take my chances with Sword.
Also getting A Hat In Time at the same time. So at least Ill have that as a fallback?

if you're thinking about getting either you've already lost

Depends on how into the series you are. The games are underwhelming, ugly, even more linear than usual, have no explanation, rely too much on the overhyped Wild Area to carry it, have no postgame, and are missing Pokemon, but it's still Pokemon. For me personally, it's the first non-remake mainline game I haven't bought and don't intend to buy, but a casual fan will probably enjoy it.

If you haven't played the other PMD games, you should definitely play Explorers of Sky and Super Mystery Dungeon. Better use of your time than SwSh and it'd be a new experience unlike the Red/Blue Mystery Dungeon remakes, which really don't add much to the originals.

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play a pokemon fan game

the torrent has everything to by pass mega limit

This. Prism alone is better than anything from the 3D gen.

I dont have a 3ds or a ds anymore or else I would.
And eh. Ill take my chances with sword and sheild. They really dont seem as bad as everyone is saying.

damn. where was this yesterday, I spent at least half an hour looking for volt white 2 to play on my phone, even the fucking romhack general at /vp/ doesn't have full patched roms

literally any toaster can emulate an old DS game easily these days

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If you just want to experience Pokemon in HD on a home console and haven't played the games in a very long time, you'll probably enjoy SwSh but they are unironically devoid of a lot of content and the DLC doesn't seem like it's making it better.

>so if its better than that game then Ill be pleasantly surprised
if by better you mean less of everything (areas, pokemons, soundtrack, gimicks, postgame, etc) then go for it.

for some reason /vp/ and /vr/ jannies randomly delete my collections now. ( Even if I don't post my hands) also the thread was pretty big a few months ago and it lasted 3 days how did you miss it.

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What are the standouts here if I don't want to look up what every single romhack does?

I dont ever buy dlc. Dlc can go fuck itself.

pokemon is for babies

Get Mystery Dungeon, it has better gameplay and story, and doesn't have any of the retarded new Pokemon in it

You can always just patch them yourself on the PC and transfer it over. The roms and patches are easy to get ahold of, and xdelta is simple to use.

I got a used copy of shield for $20.... Do I need to buy the dlc to get the pokemon and can I just trade with other paypigs that buy it??

That's what I did, but I'd rather just download the fully patched ROM on my phone to begin with

You need the DLC to catch them natively ingame yourself but you don't need it to trade for them iirc.

Pokemon clover
Pokemon red adventure
Pokemon reborn
Pokemon ash adventure
Any gen 4/5 hacks

I not even joking sword and shield is so shit that any game in my collection surpass it. also I made sure that most english gba games goes although way to the elite 4.

Trade with paypigs, where'd you get it for 20?

SwSh definitely has less content and complexity than platinum, if your standard are that game, you're going to be severely disappointed.

Just as an example, you can only catch 2 legendaries on the new games, and the main campaign is dumbed down to the point it's impossible to lose a single battle. Plus it only has about 8 hours of content, including postgame.

>you can only catch 2 legendaries on the new games
That's a good thing, Platinum went retarded with how many legendaries there was.

Play Rescue Team DX. If you don't want to spend money, can't pirate it (you can emulate it nearly perfectly from what I've heard) and you haven't played previous PMD games, play Blue Rescue Team (DS), or Explorers of Sky (DS), or maybe Super (3DS). If you think those are too easy, don't play Pokémon. Play Shiren instead.

If you've played the original Rescue Team before, don't expect anything new from Rescue Team DX. It's a good game, but a disappointing remake.

you could catch four in the original duo

>Mystery dungeon I was only gonna get cause of nostalgia
>looking for something new to play
Don't play the remake then, play Explorers of Sky. It's everything you could wish to get out of a sequel. And it's for the DS so it's really easy to emulate even if you only have a random laptop or something like that.

are the legendary fights postgame harder? i saw people mention that
this, take the romhack pill. the one i've been playing is the most fun i've had with main pokemon games in years

>Heard a lot of people saying Sword and Sheild suck
People blow things out of proportion all the time. These games are just okay, more of the same. That's why some are disappointed. But to be fair, it's true that Pokémon should meet home console standards now that it's on a console like Switch.

Basically this. At the end of the day, you have $60 to buy a game, how can you actually find yourself purchasing Pokemon SwSh over let's say...Odyssey or FE3H or Smash Ultimate. It's actually rather insulting but considering it's Gamefreak, they literally -cannot- put out home console quality.

>they literally -cannot- put out home console quality
They CAN. They just didn't.

Yes, boss fights are harder and a bit more interesting. Other aspects of the game are easier though, like recruiting Pokémon is nowhere near as painful and the level 1 dungeons seem to be easier (haven't tried them yet, but I know you can keep Rare Qualities and I'm sure that alone makes things easier)