Why do people like Final Fantasy but shit on Tales of games? Is it because the latter plays the same in every game?
Why do people like Final Fantasy but shit on Tales of games? Is it because the latter plays the same in every game?
FF = Fantasy elements > anime tropes
Tales of = anime tropes+fantasy elements
FF just hides it/mixes it in with other shit trying to appease people with the brand while Tales of is anime shit for people who like medium. I think both work and have good/bad games.
What's the worst one?
Most of the post symphonia games are generally different enough that any could work for anyones anyone's favorite or least favorite but probably zestaria because its the most safe/generic theyve been in both story and gameplay
Tales games are even more cliche and formulaic than FF games, which is saying something.
How so?
When the fuck are we getting more Arise news
This. I think everyone who plays Tales games just autopilots them and just focuses on the battle system because the party chat, characters, plot, music, and dungeons are so distinctly mediocre.
>recommending (misspelled) zestiria
Stop dude. Zestiria is an abortion
bruh is that weeaboo artorias
Because tales has the moe anime tropes all over it. The drama is way too shallow and anime-like.
Yeah, FF is anime too, but it's like comparing K-on and Naruto
He's better
Is that Crow?
well that's not exactly a high bar to pass
Why do people like Persona games more than these 2? I see threads about them all the time. Aren't those games filled with anime tropes?
Persona has the dating sim aspect going for it, but yeah it's all anime tropes.
>reading comprehension
I wouldn't shit on Tales games nearly so hard if they actually had good music and didn't start recycling shit 15 minutes into the game. I still enjoy them, but the usual one is about as budget as you can get before dropping down to Compile Hearts level.
xillia 2 was disappointing, zestiria sucked. apparently tempest was hot garbage, but as an EOP, i can't confirm for sure.
It's not anime tropes per se, it's about tales plot having a nice initial pitch and last chapter while everything in-between having no clear goal and being filled with said tropes. The characters don't even develop along the plot, they just loop into the same personal drama until the final chapter when each character has an epiphany to solve their personal drama. FF characters also rarely has any development but normally they are what they are from the beginning with their reactions to events being based on that.
I can't say much for persona but it has cool demons and shit. So it might not feel as generic
This. Tales is too anime which severely limits its audience. FF is more like a blockbuster production of JRPGs.
>Legendia has a god tier OST becuase Go Shiina
>One of the black sheep of the series
>Zestiria has the same composer make a few songs that are god tier as well
>it's fucking shit as a game
The good OSTs are forever cursed.
yes, and his sidekick magical juna.
Tales games are fun, FF games are too, but I prefer Tales games, especially the earlier ones.
Because the writing in Tales is total shit. It's so plainly awful, so inherently weaboo, cliche, and Japanese, that even the average gamer recognizes it.
Combat is amazing though
>English grammar
Can you say that for Vesperia? Shit feels stiff
Is there going to be a CS V?
Trails of Cold Steel looks even worse than Tales games. Why do so many people like this series? It seems more anime than Tales similar to Neptunia.
FF looks nice but the gameplay is shit
Nope, we're getting Trails in the Sky 3rd but again
The previous games were better so people have stockholm syndrome because they don't want to stop following the ongoing story even if it gets worse.
Which Tales game has the most attractive (fe)males?