More drive space

>More drive space
>More powerful CPU
>More powerful GPU
>Going to cost less (this one unconfirmed but likely)
>Backwards compatibility
>Gamepass blows PlayStation Plus out of the water

Seriously what the fuck is Sony thinking? I know they still have VR and their fancy SSD but how did they miss the mark this bad?

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the PS5 is more bang for your buck yo

yeah but there's no Sega sticker on it so whats the point

PS5 Has Games.

no games
all games on pc anyway

Both will have a fair amount of games at launch from the looks of it. Neither will have many exclusives for a while but obviously people will want to get stuff like Cyberpunk and VtmB2 on a new console unless they cbf waiting and get it for their current platform

Just seems like Sony went in a really bizarre direction

I think both consoles will be good overall but the PS5 tech demo that ran at 30fps and 1440p gives me pause about buying one. Consoles will wholeheartedly target 60fps but a tech demo without any NPCs or on screen combat only running at 30fps is a bit of a red flag

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Consoles will never wholeheartedly target 60fps*

boomer franchies that no one cares about. and the kicker? they will all be playable on PC anyways.

gj having 5% more powerful GPU, kid. but i'm moving to the next generation with Playstation.

i've been stealing quarters out of the fountain where i work for years i have almost enough to buy a ps5 or an xbox which one should i get

fucking kek

They were thinking people buy consoles based on games and marketing, instead of specs. If specs mattered, noone would buy a console.

>literally a black monolith

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>not keep doing it to buy both
what's wrong with you, there is no need to stop

I used to think the Xbox was ahead of the game but the more I read about the PS5 and its custom hardware I keep doubting Xbox had any edge now.

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Ive been Sony/idort my whole life but it just doesn't seem like the next PlayStation will be worth by comparison since exclusives are basically non existent anyway or timed

The Xbox has Netflix already.

>costs more
>not as powerful
>Not a single confirmed game
how so?

Series x will be a great possibly even amazing console. Unfortunately it has very little change to beat the PS5. People as a whole are addicted to PlayStation as a brand and their exclusives

Microsoft could make the best console in history and sell it for $2 USD but if Sony says the words UNCHARTED 5 its over.

Uhuh. Go play Bloodborne on your Xbox.

Or Persona.

Or Spider-Man.

Or Vanillaware games.

Or Falcom games.

Or Street Fighter.

Or Dragon Quest.

Or Star Ocean.


Sony said so, you can trust them because they believe blacklives matter
they said 'it is good value'

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>ps5 custom hardware
The only special thing it has it the SSD with everything else getting BTFO by the SeX.

The good PS4 game
Still have my ps3
Still couldn't match the web slinging of 2
>Vanillaware games
>Falcom games
>Street Fighter
4 and 4 super superior to 5
>Dragon Quest
>Star Ocean

>nonstop coping
see? enjoy another gen of the shitbox getting BTFO.

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Street fighter 4 and 30th anniversary are on xbox
Dragon quest, or at least Blue dragon is on Xbox
Therea a star ocean game, cant remember the name, on xbox too.
Try playing MGS2 and 3 on the PS4
Or Ninja Gaiden
Or Losy Odyssey
Or any Splinter Cell game
Xbox one even has the FF13 trilogy and the ps3 doesnt

Do specs really matter? All I care about are what games are available. To date I own every PlayStation (got the first one in 1999) and no Xbox but I mainly play games on my computer and I don't feel any loyalty to any company. If this next generation turns into a repeat of the seventh generation for Sony (PS3 was expensive and had no gaemz) and there are games I want on Xbox that aren't on PC that would be what would make me buy one instead. Not the specs.

Considering ALL power supply units and ALL cases are sold out right now.
Idk if people will be able to even build PC’s let alone a PC more powerful than SeX.

>absolute ancient games that people already played and don't give a fuck about anymore

Your post is the perfect encapsulation of why the SHITbox series X is going to flop. Nobody is going to buy next gen machines to play old games.

I'm moving to the next generation with playstation, kid.

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Sadly Sony has Naughty Dog. My friends are on Xbox so I won't switch but I will be always jelly of those games.

>nobody is going to buy next gen consoles to play old games
The switch says hello and to go fuck yourself.
Have fun with your nogame station 5 while I'll have 1000s of games to choose from.

>Naughty Dog
that's generous

Thats ok. Naughty Dog has been pure dogshit since the end of the 360/PS3 gen

Devs will never make their work harder if they don't have to. Unless someone puts their foot down and demands 60, it will literally never happen. Sony couldn't have made those graphics on PS4 if they went with 60.

Epic actually did more damage with that demo than people think. Made sub 4K / 30fps / no RT the baseline.

Actually Halo 5 and Gears went with 60fps and they got shit on for it because the games had to trade down graphics so nothing was on the level of the SP Sony walking simulator exclusives.

>the SHITch
you mean the wii u 1.5 which we already BTFO?


another record breaking launch for PS5 coming right up. meanwhile you will be playing ancient garbage on your SHITbox and SHITch while you watch your threads 404 because nobody wants to talk about fucking Blue dragon (LMAO) in 2020.

cope seethe and dilate, incel. have sex.