Nintendo did not bend the knee to the pressure of the constantly outraged. So far

Nintendo did not bend the knee to the pressure of the constantly outraged. So far.
I haven't bought a product from this company since SNes, but I have to admit, it takes some balls, kind of sending a message: "We are a game company. Look for your policy elsewhere. We are here to have fun."
So far, it's the only one that has my respect in all this shit.

Attached: 1024px-Nintendo.svg.png (1024x341, 9.98K)

nintendo is for tranny toddlers and died after gamecube

I find it ridiculous how they had news yesterday (Pokémon DLC and new Smash spirit board) but had to stay silent on twitter to avoid getting mobbed. Clown world.

so you're as easily influenced as those who want the companies to make a statement

They did bend the knee. They're matching donations from their employees to fund domestic terrorism. They'll end up forced to make a public statement.

>alt-right death toll: hundreds
>antifa boogeyman death toll: 0
based nintendo donating to a good cause while Zig Forumsirgins seethe & dilate

Agreed, I'd already lost faith with Microsoft and Sony but their disgusting attempt to turn protests into publicity pushed me over the edge. I'm gonna take the leap and invest in a gaming PC and dump consoles for good, but have a Nintendo on the side, especially if they're sticking with the portability feature in the future.

are you gonna game on some faggy reddit linux OS then since Microsoft made Windows too?

They're a toy company for young children, you don't see tonka trucks posting about it either.

t. Nigger