it really feels like that like every expansion since patch 3.3
Does blizzard intentionally make the lore bad?
any story written by a committee with competing ideas is going to turn out shit. Wow lore only made sense when the people writing it could actually make it what they wanted it to be instead of having a large group of executives meddle in everything.
its actually really fascinating how payed employers who´s job it is to come up with good storys, usually suck so much dick that some random user in his mom´s basement can come up with a better structured and more cohesive narrative, thats fateful to the series.
Fuck, they probably would do it for free.
There can be no real progression meaningful storyline because it's a long term moneymaker.
So it has to be padded to hell and back while leaving as much open as can be, with the odd major event to shake things up a little.
>it really feels like that like every expansion since patch 3.3 is bad.
That's because they changed Game Directors and Lead Game Designer one to many times and a majority of employees who helped cultivate the game into the major success it became ended up leaving the project for other ventures. Those that replaced them ended up making crap decisions which only lead users to other products. Kaplan, the former Lead Game Designer was the keystone to this major shift. Once he left for another project the lore and product ended up suffering and only continued to decline throughout the years into expansions like WOD and BFA. That's why things are the way they are now in the Warcraft Online I.P.
Anything not written by one person is shit.
the game revolves around alliance vs horde, anything they write must fit into that narrative
they don't make it shit on purpose, but any interesting writing must neccessarily upset the status quo, and they can't have that
blame the jews
Its the same case when it comes to movies. Random people on the internet had more creative ideas that what we got with the final product. Its pathetic.
why dont they take advice from these people? you could have a giant movie with extra high budget, AND WITH GOOD WRITING all at the same time