Thank you PCGamer for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement

Thank you PCGamer for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement

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Its time for G*merG*te 2 Zig Forums.
Can you feel it?

no problem dude! have a nice day!

Is someone guiding them to post that trash? seems scripted af

What's the point? PC is a white platform


follow the money
not jewish but TED is pozzed, so he is pozzed yes.

>90% intel
good goyim

why do jews hide behind niggers?

the same reason you bet on the strongest fighter

Whites are the strongest fighter though

>its okay to loot and destroy property if its black people!
How has the window shifted so far that nonviolence is a Zig Forums thing now?

Don't worry Israel is next.

make niggers think whites are the slave traders tell whites niggers just hate naturally.
small hats suppress morals.

>blacks robbing stores nation wide while white women literally bow down to them
>whites seething about playstation conference being cancelled

Free good goy points

There's no conspiracy user it's just common sense, pandering to please the majority of their consumers boosts the image of their brand. Also you have to understand very few people are against the fair treatment of nigs even if the majority of people killed by cops are scum anyways.


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This is every [Brand] that does these shitty white text on black background images. Based Nintendo isn't one of them.

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>post what urbanite subhumans do
>say Whites do it
lol urban scumtrash literally tried to take their nigger rabble to Whites in suburbia and they got shown the fuck up. those niggers close their big monkey lips as soon as they see White people have guns to defend their property.

aaaaand another game i dont need to spend money on.

Is robbing stores and making women bow down with fear of being beaten something to admire?

Animal trash.

Most people don't care, and those that do are too busy virtue signalling to buy their products.

someone has been consooming too much american-israeli products.

>*chimps out*
I laugh

A few years ago a white schizophrenic 30~ year old man died because of a cop knee pinning him down while they laughed and made jokes as he cried, slowly went unconscious, then became entirely unresponsive. He was not a criminal, he called the cops to get help because he was having an episode. Nobody knows his name and nobody protested let alone rioted.

George Floyd was a repeat offender felonious criminal with an underlying heart condition. Fuck niggers.

are black lives gonna stop mattering until another cop kills another black crim again?

There is a literal war waging and you're a keyboard warrior on Zig Forums.

urbanites literally grovel at armed rural Whites' feet as we saw when coonlivesmatter ANTIFA soicucks tried to expand out of urbanite subhuman containment zones

stay in your bug city where you belong and you will be safe (except for roving jamal cannibal packs when we cut your food supply)



who cares lol

>*continues to chimp out*
Still laughing.

why couldnt you take the guns in virginia? hard cringe loser lol

>literal war
Looting and screaming in the streets isn't war. You'd best hope a war doesn't break out cos the Left will have their face wiped in shit.

It hasn't, Americans are just the violent animals they've always been

>fake twitter posts
cope, epic is white

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All lives matter is why people are out there standing together in the face of police brutality. The media is just trying to spin it as a race thing more than anything to get the country divided and warring against itself.


>another stress cope short reply
thanks for conceding
just like BLM did when they see Whites with guns defending their property

>everyone giving black people pats on the head for mattering
>chicago has its worst weekend for black murders of the year

black lives dont matter to black people

black lives matter, unless they're trying to prevent other black people from looting

Maybe whites should try rioting a little?

Niggers are burning down liberal cities while liberals trip over themselves to defend them and I should care because...?

I remember that now.
I hope it's brought up.

"The media" isn't trying to spin it as a race thing, it simply is a race thing. Blacks are the most racist group in America.

>consoles are cucked
>pc are cucked
What vidya platform is left?