>tfw too prudencelet to understand how ranged clash targeting works
>Still beat em with 22 hp Roland left
Lobotomy Corp / Library of Ruina
lmao get fucked idiot bird
I didn't even knew Monk can hurt other abnos
Since the patch my game is stuck in Korean.
Going into the options menu and changing the language does nothing.
Any idea on how to fix this?
learn korean
BTW do you have any HE or you really went straight to WAW abno? (It can happen or even worse)
day 13 i think of my first playthrough, control/information are all teth/zayin and for training department abno's i got Teddy (how is this more dangerous than Bird or cute dog), Matchstick and then Monk.
first playthrough i got La Luna before any HEs
That wasn't very cash money of you
That's pretty lucky, the milf is one of the best waw stat trainers.
My first waw was justice birb. Its shit was incredible but holy crap was it hard to work on.
Finally got to new chapter and got the ranged key pages. Damn they are good, was trying out them with Allure and have several questions:
What's the point of rifle key page when sniper one is simply superior with +1 more dice power on first turn and how the hell Allure works, I didn't get prompt to pick which nugget will allure enemies so who they deal extra damage to and who deals extra damage to them?
I've been putting of completing LobCorp because day 47 was exhausting and i fear what 48 and up will bring
>Teddy (how is this more dangerous than Bird or cute dog)
He have instant kill and HE is full of them
Judgement Bird is bets WAW. I had it as my second WAW and first Aleph set
I think allure might be bugged since the 5/29 update, a lot of the abno pages have incorrect targeting and single/entire team effects.
I was 3 suppressions away when i gave up on the game. Having to deal with Binah and having plague boy fucking me up was stressful back then...i can't even imagine how it would be now.How is Library? Should i get closure before starting it?
Honestly Day 47 was probably hardest for me. Day 48 is less stressful for a reason I won't spoil.
So, how common are those thugs, that kill you and loot your organs and body parts?
If you get really so much cash from organs, that you change it for a metal body, selling others body parts seem to be an incredible good job.
A lot of LoR story relies on true ending of LC, so if you've been filtered and never gonna finish LC you might as well search it up before starting LoR.
Pretty common in areas that aren’t under protection it seems
I do understand some of the things that happen like how this was in the manager's head and some pieces here and thereI really liked lobo but i know how much of a burn it is to start again and being on the last 3 days with lots of abnormalities that i forgot how to mantain including all the alephs is not something i want to experience.
>The gate opened on me
>So I leaped
>new patch notes
>2. Added 1 new main story episode
So how comes those street rats that mug several people and sell their organs, aren't reach yet?
As Roland described it, you get a huge amount of cash from doing that.
The way ranged combat has been Implemented is pretty much as good as you can get desu.
Day 48 is immo less problem than 47.
Day after is one you should feel fear for
>Cause they have to give everything to the syndicates that run unprotected turfs, like the stray dogs in the case of our little rat friends.
How do I save my Librarians from Jobber status?
Whoops, I meant day 48 and day 49.
48 for me boiled down to whether or not the white fixer uses its aoe attack during a white weakness.
>Olga's tits disappear every time I boot up the game
>update on a Wednesday