What games defined your childhood?

What games defined your childhood?

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>having enough money to buy the latest consoles or a decent PC for your child
>but not enough money to pay the monthly ISP bill

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Smash Bros and Mario

Mario galaxy, Mario 64, Wii sports, paper Mario, super mario world gba, Snoopy's magic show, Nintendo golf on gameboy, and demon attack on atari. I had a purple Gameboy advance that was a hand me down from my dad. when I was little my parents couldn't afford much in terms of video games so when they got me a Wii and Mario galaxy it was amazing. from that point on I mostly got virtual console games because they were cheaper and as a kid I could barley tell the difference anyways. my mom had and still has a real atari that we kept hooked up at the time so that's where demon attack comes from

>not wanting to give what you perceive to be the best for your child at the time by buying him something like a games console which you know will last him a long time since he seems to like doing those types of things and you probably wont get another chance any time soon since you might not have the money and its christmas and you want to just do the best you can for your kid and fuck you man

mortal kombat
devil may cry
rainbow six 3 on xbox live
lineage 2
warcraft 3 tft
wow - vanilla to mop

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based and parent pilled. these virgins will never understand wanting to give your kid something at all costs

Sacred Gold, Simcity 3000, random flash garbage (thing thing, motherload, ecc. ecc.)

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Very based. Mother was always working but she made sure I had vidya to come home to.

>literal babb
Moshi Monsters, Club Penguin and Starcraft 1
>actual childhood
Max Payne 1, AQ Worlds, Fallout 3, Counter-Strike Condition Zero

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You mean games I like when I was a kid?

Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's mask, San Andreas and Vice City, Resident evil 3, Diablo 1 and 2, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft

Monster Hunter Freedom
Sims 1
Gothic 1+2

good childhood desu

same, oh god, I'll call my mom rn

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Ocarina of time, was 8 when I got it. After getting the hookshot I spent most of my time in the forest just zipping around. Didnt beat the game until I was 9, in my defence I couldnt read English.

age of empires 2
warcraft 3
fallout 1
deus ex
legacy of kain, but i was already into my teenage years by the time Defiance hit

>Guitar Hero 3
>Guitar Hero Rock the 80s
>Guitar Hero World Tour
>GTA San Andreas
>Luigi's Mansion
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Paper Boy

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Mainly Return to castle wolfenstein and Unreal Tournament 2004

>Allowing your child to play videogames in the first place
I'll rather have him do sports or read books. If possible have him work with me on the weekends.

Videogames, TV and internet are cancer.

Growing up we got free outdated computers from the school my mom worked at.

>be me at 4 years old
>has played only gameboy color games and gba
>dad comes home with a bag with the ps logo
>watches older sisters play crash 3 and then dark forces
>some good feels
>days later
>mom takes me and my sisters to a gamestop for new games for the psx
>see's Frogger game and we get it
>back home and go straight towards psx and places game in system
>first time hearing the boot up
>had a god damn blast but sucked at it but still a good time.
>now it's 2020
>Still have the same game all these years and save file
>still works

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>real young
Dragon Warrior 1, T&C Surf Design, Metroid, Fester's Quest, Punch-Out
>medium young
Virtual Bart, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, Shaq-Fu, Earthbound, Bass Master's Classic
>advanced young
Blast Corps, WWF Attitude, Goldeneye, Body Harvest, Mortal Kombat Mythologies

Super Mario World

Cawadoody and other FPS with friends. Actual games: Super Mario Strikers, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, NASCAR 2005, Paper Mario TYD, and Shadow of the Colossus when I got a PS2 a few years later.

Doom, Hercules, Age of Empires and Starcraft.

we only had an n64 for the longest time before got a ps2 when the ps3 came out
so basically alot of smash 64, mario kart/party 3, tony hawks 1 and 2, that one pod racing game plus the xwing star wars one, and the other one where you play as han solo's friend

that was me irl wtf

But this joke is modern, made worse now with Xbox Live and Sony Piss and Nintendo Assfuck
The hell do you mean "childhood"?

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probably Earthworm Jim, Starcraft, and Monster Rancher


Mortal Kombat 2
Cannon Fodder
Settlers 1
Legends of Kyrandia
Dungeon Master

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>remember having an n64
>now know how much the games cost
oh god why wasn't I into Playstation sooner


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CS 1.6 and Final Fantasy 9


first game i remember playing was ace lightning on gameboy and first game i remember playing on playstation was pic related

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every time i wonder why Zig Forums is so shit, i remember most of shitposters who don't even play games anymore were raised by single mothers and realize i know the answer

XCOM 1-3
Aллoды 1-2
Diablo 1-2
Duke Nukem 3D
Carmageddon 1-3
Quake 1-3
And of course Worms, the game everyone actually played back then but nobody gives credit to now

>Battlefield 1942
>Medal of Honor
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>Max Payne
I just played what my dad did.

surprised HOMM 3 and Fallout 1+2 are not on the list, бpaтишкa