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A Statement by The Pokémon Company
Juan Miller
John Reed
don't care
not videogames
Andrew Peterson
200,000 usd, they probably make that in less than an hour lol
Joseph King
Are you gonna get triggered every time it's revealed that not everyone is a mentally ill racist like yourself?
Michael Hall
How is oneangryincel coping with all this
Xavier Gray
What’s all this money actually going to?
Aaron Butler
Take a guess, he's always coping
Brandon Campbell
lol Zig Forumsfags melting down as they realize most of the world is against them, even the corporations they love to bootlick so much
Jayden Stewart
Zig Forums cucks will defend this
Cooper Baker
if people and companies really cared about black lives then why are they not trying to stop gang violence? Why are they not trying to get black people out of the eternal proverty they're in? If they really care about humans why are they outsourcing production of hardware and materials to Chinese sweatshops where they're killing themselves left and right over there to make the products we all consume?
Justin Hall
This. OP is the faggotest kind of faggot.
Christopher Hernandez
I'm going to guess he's trying to organize a boycott.
Jack Morales
Connor Jenkins
>tfw never gave two shits about Autismon
Thomas James
>but I have to
Michael Ortiz
Bailing out protestors
Leo Walker
The jannies are on their way take cover
Samuel Bennett
Why did they only care about black lives when the media/twitter told them to?
Sebastian Torres
Microsoft: BLACKED
Nintendo: BLACKED
Pokemon: BLACKED
And there are people who STILL defend this fucking industry.
Bentley Hernandez
Drugs and more crime
Aaron Butler
>Companies only care when a white person kills a white person.
>Dont give a shit about black on black crime which kills tens times more.
Ryder Allen
They literally pay people to riot
Daniel Morris
the owner of oneangrygamer is black
Ian Carter
Yes, corporations are pussies for social reforms until they see it's unanimously agreed upon. They did the same with supporting LGBT during Pride month. Which also means this most likely won't end up dead in two weeks or a LOT of refunds are going to be made.
Jaxson Sanders
pay twitters to twit more woke shit
Aaron Edwards
The billionaires in charge of these massive companies (Amazon, Microsoft Twitter) are laying down the law and telling people how to think and act
Jacob Sanchez
for me it's less about the subject at hand and more about how little integrity there is in getting quick brownie points from making a Twitter post.
Let them donate and everything, that's cool. As long as its not donating for the bail outs of actual criminals.
Nicholas Barnes
Fucking enablers every time. Always dismissing shit like that. It's no wonder why the world is in the current state that it is.
Carson Martinez
Thomas Fisher
Yeah but he pretends to not be
Ayden Sullivan
>game companies funding racially-based terrorist groups
what a timeline
Caleb Taylor
They made a 200k donation you retard, they are donating. Why are you so easily offended?
Brody Murphy
>if people and companies really cared about black lives then why are they not trying to stop gang violence?
Gang violence is because of the drug war, has nothing to do with race.
>Why are they not trying to get black people out of the eternal proverty they're in?
No amount of money will help poor black communities as long as the systemic issues still remain. Black neighborhoods being overpoliced leads to more black people being disproportionately arrested by police which leads to more socioeconomic stress put on those communities such as absent father households and things like that.
Juan Cook
>but he pretends to not be
Some blacks are not mind controlled by the mass media and have seen the light of day, Kanye comes to mind.
Dylan Nguyen
>melting down
You mean predictions came true?
Joshua Evans
So the only free thinking blacks are Trumptards? Huh.
Easton Williams
He's right. If they actually gave a shit, meant what they said. They would have donated before any of this drama and not advertised it. Can't have that though gotta cash-in on those brownie points!
Camden Sullivan
Oh fuck, it's june too
Zachary Brown
>Let them donate and everything, that's cool
Why is it cool for them to donate money to what are effectively terrorist organizations?
>No amount of money will help poor black communities as long as the systemic issues still remain
By "systematic," you mean "biological," I assume.