What are some videogames where I can eat burgers

what are some videogames where I can eat burgers

this is important

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Gta San Andreas

Post more anime tiddies.

post screenshots

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Why is there a cup in your shirt you fucking idiot we’re having lunch with my parents stop embarrassing me

Post more anime burgers.

quit being retarded and just go eat burgers in real life

>girl eats burger
>doesn't get fat

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I like girls eating burgers not so much myself

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>those tiddies

Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF

Replace the soda bottle with my penis and this pic would be perfect

Fuck ketchup
Barbeque sauce on burgers is where its at

>Not both

describe a videogame ending with a burg, I start

>The Walking Dead

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you will never have sloppy joes with your gf as you eat your s perfectly and she makes a mess and gets sauce all over her face and tits
Why even live?

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what are sloppy joes

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The World Ends With You

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burger but instead of a patty or something similar it's just a pile of ground beef

sounds sloppy.

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sloppy joes are messy and fun

God I'm fucking starving

>tfw I can't even remember the last time I had a burger

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Why does this Italian shotgun eat so much?

I went out with a Latina who really liked five guys and would get the fully loaded burgers, it was a mess most of the time

That sounds really fucking cute user.

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Earthbound uses cheeseburgers as healing items. Also, the Tamogachi pets have burgers as food for them.

On a side note, feel free to use the pic as a love card.

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mmm tasty borgar
