
What games have you picked up so far during the GOG Summer Sale?

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Arx Fatalis
Haven't tried it yet cause my hdd is fucked.

Wondering whether I should get Theme Park or give another go at RCT.
begone shill

Is Thronebreaker worth picking up?

Wow you're so cool dude


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What games should I pick up, brehs? Don't care what genre.

>no friends seeing me play it
>no achievements
>no badges
>no trading cards

Why not just burn my money? It's the same thing.

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>dead space
>system shock 2

sadly dead space needs shitty work arounds to fix the lighting and controls, sadly the game broke and i uninstalled, will reinstall later maybe

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Holy shit off yourself

System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and Witcher 2 just because it's cheap as fuck.

Do they have Dark Messiah or Skyrim yet?

>or Skyrim yet
>buying skyrim when the special edition crack with all the creation club+dlc content is widely available

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GOG Galaxy does 3 out of 4 of those things now with achievement tracking, frenlists and badges.
they don't have trading cards but i've noticed in the last two or three years it seemed Steam has stepped way back from Trading Card shit. Or they just began auto-rejecting the slavs who were using trading cards in an endless flood of 'indie' shovelware as a money laundering trick.

Any sexy games?

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Shill? I didn't even know about gog really until 3 months ago
Also I'll post mine: Swat 4, System Shock 2, Morrowind, Psychonauts

Is this safe?

no, it's a front for IGG, their a scene group known for creating fake websites like gog-games and litters them with hidden malvertsing(they use pixel trakcers do achieve this as most adblockers will actually miss these due to them only being 1px. too small for most adblocker filters) that does drive-by downloads and injects your PC with a bitcoin/ether miner.

Katana Zero
Blood: Fresh Supply

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Rayman 2
Rayman 3
Ys I & II
Deus Ex


not gonna buy from there until they accept real money and not just credit cards

>scene group
>bullshit about pixel trackers being undetected
I don't know about that site but you're a brainlet. Don't talk about stuff you don't understand.

Nothing, I've already bought all of the old games I'm interested in and of the few new ones I'm looking at, they are either too new for a sale or not on gog period.

the fuck are u on about m8

i can walk to 7 eleven and buy steam and blizzard money but i cant buy gog money

>makes cards like roblox plz
You gotta be 18 to post here, bud.

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What I picked up.

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Only the 3 new free games. I'm broke right now and don't have money for games.

Does galaxy not having a border around it's window bug anyone else?

Majesty, The Settlers II and The Nations are great. Have not played the others.

look man 2011 made me never put my credit card info on any website ever again

you must be 18 to post here

>Gothic 1
>Gothic 2
>Arx Fatalis
>Swat 4
I also have my eye on Bladerunner but I'll try and get through those games first.

picked up these

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>No trading cards used as a complaint
>Why don't I just burn my money?
If you're spending your money on trading cards you're already doing that dipshit

I believe they changed ...something... about how card sales work because it was one of the ways eurotrash and russians were laundering money, along with csgo keys a year or two ago.

Just don't save it man, that way the risk is roughly the same as having the info stolen in real life

All of those are also great.
Depending on how much free time you have and how much you enjoy those 4 you're set with games till the xmas sale.

Is that the remaster version of XIII?

If you sell more than 200 items on the steam market in a year, Valve asks for your tax information before you can sell any more.

I know about the tax thing from years ago, but they did another change in 2019 or 18 as well.

>muh DRM-free meme
GOG users are fucking vegans of gaming

Is Ultima 7 worth it off GOG?

just saints row 2 cause i heard the gog version was better then steams, but i still crashed every 30 min-1 hour, i tried the mod, as well as running it in compatibility mode and using less cores cause some games can't handle it but i still did it