3D Worms Games

Why do you guys hate them again? They are pretty fun, and a nice change of pace for the usual 2d thing.

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (512x287, 53.96K)

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always interesed in them can you sell me on them

>aim your bazooka to an enemy
>he gets scared and tries to use his hand as a shield, or points to another enemy to make you shoot him instead
I fucking loved them.


The art style from this teaser trailer is fucking awful tho.

I actually love Worms 3D. It's one of my favorite games of all time. I hated Worms 4, and I hate the compilation of Worms 4 and 3D that retains the Worms 4 physics and sticks them into 3D.
>Worm falls in water in 3D, he sinks with a terrified expression
>Worm falls in water in 4, he immediately dies and floats to the top
>Forced inset camera in 4/3D compilation when attacking
>Worse sounds FX than 3D
Fucking Worms 4.

3D was my first Worms game. The single player campaign was really great even if getting gold on everything was a casual filter to end all casual filters. There were a ton of great maps too.


Does it come with the .exe that allows for 1080p resolution and true fullscreen?


Do these exist in the Ultimate Mayhem edition on Steam?

Yes. That's the compilation I was referring to. Trouble is it's the only way to give Team17 money for Worms 3D. Otherwise,