It wasn't that bad

It wasn't that bad...

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people just like to shit on it for not being new vegas

Overrated by normalfags, underrated by Zig Forums

(Do-do-do-do do do)

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It was exactly THAT bad

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A highlight from one of my favourite moments

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>There are actually people out there who didn't blow up Megaton

I played it when it first came out and it was pretty decent. The megaton related stuff was pretty cool. NV definitely took it up a couple of notches in terms of being a better fallout game however.

It really was. Bethesda is literally incapable of making a good game. Even by late 00's standards, the game looked and played like low budget shovelware.

New Vegas>2>1>3>Dogshit>Fallout4>Fallout76>The Outer Worlds

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