Just buy a 10$ office mouse bro gaming mice are a meme

>just buy a 10$ office mouse bro gaming mice are a meme
>completely unuseable with low DPI or doing flicks
why do poorfags keep spreading this lie?

Attached: 1590738475085.webm (442x750, 1.8M)

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>wireless mouse

Fucking braindead retard

Shitters don't know any better. See retards like and AMD drones who hide behind GPU bottlenecks.

the sensor clearly is the point of failure low IQ user

Attached: 1590740551731.webm (550x800, 928.39K)

You are not good enough to utilize the DPI ratings of actual gaming mice

You are no better than the boomer who buys a $3000 mountain bike to go ride around the neighborhood

that has nothing to do with wireless
it's jut the sensor being cheap shit

one of the best mouses from glorious is like 50$ why waste your money and cheap out on the mouse


If you are playing games with wireless anything, besides stuff like your headset, you belong in a gulag

The reason gaming mice are a necessity isn't because of ridiculously high DPI but because of IPS aka tracking speed

Clearly you are the one who doesn't know shit

Gee billy, why is it acceptable for the headset to be wireless?