Outer Worlds Switch

it seems really unfortunate. I wonder if the port was impacted by the COVID situation

Attached: 2020-06-04_151950.png (743x802, 490.51K)

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is there someone who already has it and can give his opinion?

>Play a shitty game
>Surprised it's a shitty port
Incompetent devs do what incompetent devs do

No, it was impacted by the Switch being a piece of shit of a chink tablet.

>buy shit hardware
>get shit games
like pottery

It was probably impacted by The Outer Worlds being a piece of shit of a chink game.

>hardware isn't supbar
>better blame the devs!

Who handled the port?

Some games run pretty well on the switch is a lot less graphics downgrading. This is pure incompetence.

Games on the ps3 and 360 didn’t look this bad so yes, it is the devs fault