Why do YOU even play video games

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Because I have fun with them

Its fun.

I hope no one bonks this cute guinea pig

Because reality isn't what it's ramped up to be.

Because it's cheaper than any other form of entertainment in existence

am I wasting away, bros?

I love guinea pigs!

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I think books may be even cheaper

Me too, deep fried especially.

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I don't know

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Pirating books is kinda hard. At least ones worth reading. Libraries too have to make the choice to what they devote shelf space.

Ok, have fun. I will be enjoying adult and mature entertainment instead.

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is ratposting a reaction to wojakposting

because I'm a loser in life and need something where I can fulfill easy objectives to delude myself

>haha dude i'm so miserable bydeo gaems and escapism lmao

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it's my mom's recipe

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Passes the time I guess.

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every kid start at a video game.

To escape this shitty reality and most importently have fun.


Im a depressed cripple with no social skills and its the only thing i can do with my time to keep me from blowing my head off

What's the point of living if you're just trying to not kill yourself?

The death of "god" means there's no meaning to be found in the world or outside of it, least of all any created meaning, so if everything's meaningless, I'll do whatever causes the least stress and hardship, whilst also giving me sufficient entertainment till the day I expire.

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This is Zig Forums. We don't play games here, silly rodent.

I like them

To Transport guinea pigs from point a to point b

>be me
>be 12
>have guinea pigs
>fuckin love them to death even though they were a burden on me and my moms life
>leave them outside in a cage in the morning to get some fresh air
>go fishing and totally forget about them
>come back home
>they're fucking fried
>cry for 1.3 hours
>bury them

>1.3 hours
That's oddly specific

Thats maybe 1:30

Accidentally killing your pets leaves a mark

To escape real life

Stupid fat rats

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cute round rat