Every single preview article and video has been overwhelmingly positive

>every single preview article and video has been overwhelmingly positive
guys...? what happened to 'go woke go broke'?

Attached: TLOU_P2_Box_Art_2.png (321x310, 164.87K)

You'd have to be fucking retarded to think this game isn't going to sell gangbusters

I don't even care if it's bad, I'll buy it just to piss off incels. I have so much disposable income I can't find stuff to spend on anyway

>>every single preview article and video has been overwhelmingly positive

And? It would be bigotry to not award it with perfect scores. It's about an empowered lesbian. If you didn't give it 10/10 you're an evil racist nazi bigot sexist. Welcome to reality.

Will this game usurp Breath of the Wild in how much it breaks Zig Forums?

What does that even meAn?

>the majority likes it so it's good
The majority also likes riots involving violence and vandalism apparently. Guess those are good now too.

yes unironically but not because of appeal to the majority
breaking and stealing shit from rich corporations is both logically, ethically and morally justified

Let's face it the majority of the hating is from seething Xbox and Nintendo bois who are game starved in 2020 watching us get all the games I'd be upset too if I bet on the wrong horse

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