I can't believe persona 5 emulates so well!!!! I'm eighty hours into the game and I still can't believe it!

I can't believe persona 5 emulates so well!!!! I'm eighty hours into the game and I still can't believe it!

Attached: tube onpu.png (1000x1000, 519.69K)



its an /s4s/ raid


do americans actually find this funny?

where's the joke?

Better than the eternal Zig Forums and Zig Forums raids that are suffocating Zig Forums

Attached: 1565367056298.jpg (690x713, 30.96K)

Based gutsybird

At least these stupid comics are semi-related to video games, unlike most of the past few days' off-topic shit.

Well, they like sitting in front of the terebi all day.

Your art style is getting worse

I don't think... knowing that will help. I have a really good computer...

Attached: streamerbot.png (1420x2005, 1.28M)

Intel HD 4000

Shut the fuck up Zig Forumsard


Name a more based board than /s4s/
I'll wait

I love your animations!!!

Attached: 3F236E36-39EE-4BB0-B058-7983A2BB1308.gif (1280x720, 380K)

thamku fren... here's the colored version.
proper vidya soon...

Attached: mockers mk 2.gif (1280x720, 447.21K)

Talk like normal fucking people.

Garbage unfunny forced /s4s/ meme
Penguin of Doom tiers of Reddit randomness and pure cringe.


PS3s are dirt cheap and you can pirate on all of them
You're a genuine retard if you emulate it

>buying a PS3
Why would you when you can emulate? PS3 runs games like shit. Emulation runs them better half the time.

/s4s/ is the furthest possible thing from normal there is.

no its anime and based!

Never emulate any console that has a framebuffer

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This is a good thread. Thanks op.


WTF is this shit? Where's pepe? Where's wojack? THIS SHIT ISN'T FUNNY I NEED MY PEPE AND WOJACK RIGHT NOW!!!

where did you find that gay picture

this thread is very nice. doremi streamer fucking when

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