I can't believe persona 5 emulates so well!!!! I'm eighty hours into the game and I still can't believe it!
I can't believe persona 5 emulates so well!!!! I'm eighty hours into the game and I still can't believe it!
its an /s4s/ raid
do americans actually find this funny?
where's the joke?
Better than the eternal Zig Forums and Zig Forums raids that are suffocating Zig Forums
Based gutsybird
At least these stupid comics are semi-related to video games, unlike most of the past few days' off-topic shit.
Well, they like sitting in front of the terebi all day.
Your art style is getting worse
I don't think... knowing that will help. I have a really good computer...
Intel HD 4000
Shut the fuck up Zig Forumsard
Name a more based board than /s4s/
I'll wait
I love your animations!!!
thamku fren... here's the colored version.
proper vidya soon...
Talk like normal fucking people.
Garbage unfunny forced /s4s/ meme
Penguin of Doom tiers of Reddit randomness and pure cringe.
PS3s are dirt cheap and you can pirate on all of them
You're a genuine retard if you emulate it
>buying a PS3
Why would you when you can emulate? PS3 runs games like shit. Emulation runs them better half the time.
/s4s/ is the furthest possible thing from normal there is.
no its anime and based!
Never emulate any console that has a framebuffer
This is a good thread. Thanks op.
WTF is this shit? Where's pepe? Where's wojack? THIS SHIT ISN'T FUNNY I NEED MY PEPE AND WOJACK RIGHT NOW!!!
where did you find that gay picture
this thread is very nice. doremi streamer fucking when