How far back are devs going to pull there announcements and how far are they going to go with tributes...

How far back are devs going to pull there announcements and how far are they going to go with tributes? Will it just be a week or will they push back even deeper? Will they start disabling more things for longer?

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>Play a Japanese gacha that never fixes the bugs in the game
>They said they would work on bugs in November
>Then in March said they were delaying fixes due to COVID
Lazy people will always look for excuses.

haha, what fucking losers. At least I can still play gacha on my smartphone. That's where the real gaming is

Why do Sony fans love black dick so much?

>Allow more important voices to be heard

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They can't just hold it until everything's done. America's government is trying to 'strongman' against its latest civil rights movement, so it looks like things are going to take a while.

>America's government is trying to 'strongman' against its latest civil rights movement
no it isnt theyre just letting niggers walk all over them and apologizing

They'll stop delaying things when America starts acting like a first world country instead of some third world shithole.

Go buy some deodorant.

Devs haven't been able to work on their games at full capacity for months, everything is already being delayed internally, what does a streamed press event matter?

They're just shooting and gassing protesters, medics and media everywhere, and their president basically said it's time for military attacks. They're not gonna get anywhere for a while.

Are you surprised? Look at 1991 or everything that happened in between 1960 and 1970. It's not like this is new or anything.
But hey, I'm clearing my backlog and I got to hold a sign and yell outside my mayor's office, so it's not all bad.

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dumb faggot larper

America is a third world shithole

>calling anyone you disagree with a faggot

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Yea its called Zig Forums dumb faggot redditor

do americans really riot over a felonious nigger having a heart attack while on meth and fentanyl?

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Based Nintendo joining in

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Yes. America is a nigger country where you learn about the civil rights movement and slavery before the founding fathers. The best outcome from these riots would be America getting destroyed and millions of them dying.

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Jesus I had no idea this sillyness had spread this far. I just thought it was SONY and EA

>independent autopsy revealed that it was literally exactly what it looked like and authoritarians lie to save their own like usual
>this user's entire argument is still that police should get to commit murder whenever they want with impunity as long as there's something that can be found after the fact that can be used to diminish the worth of the human life they just took, even when they are literally not doing anything to hurt anyone and are no threat to the police

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Founding fathers brought slavery with them and are really uninteresting.

independent autopsy funded by the victims family and their ensemble of jewish lawyers, you mean

>250k for niggers in a first world nation
yea its not like the money would be better suited going to the fucking literally anything else that is legitimately screwed lmao

It's literally everyone, even based youtubers like Mandalore are making some form of statement. Everyone has a price.

You're on Zig Forums, my man. It's not like any of these armchair sociologists actually leave the house.

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it's basically every major corporation in every industry at this point, along with media, sports teams, celebrities and politicians. it's an "anti-establishment" movement sponsored by the establishment.

Glad I deleted my Twitter back in 2016. With no social media means no statement

That's so much more biased than people whose entire jobs are to tow the murderers' line or be removed!

glad I'm staying out of it, feel bad for any americans itt

>it's an "anti-establishment" movement sponsored by the establishment.
lol so true

the medical examiner that concluded he had a heart attack does not work for the police department sweetie, time to go back to twitter

Oh, people speaking out are getting paid now? Where's your check then user? Surely you're not so stupid as to turn down free money, are you?

>blah blah blah muh virtue signalling
This argument is getting tiresome. Here's the thing, everyone fucking knows that corporations exist to make profit. Anyone who graduated high school know that.

The point is that you either accept we are going to continue to live in a capitalist system or you don't. If you do, then you can be "on the left" or agree with leftist policies if they revolve around regulating corporations so they provide outcomes that we want, in spite of the profit incentive. You can accept that corporations are profit-driven but that we can "trick" them into doing positive things through incentives, social pressure, etc. That is why a "liberal" may praise a corporation for doing this, because they are not against the idea or the existence of private enterprise. They are operating from a pragmatic, consequentalist framework.

The only people who would be fundamentally against this are literal communists or anarchists who think the very existence of corporations are evil and they should be completely abolished. And many people are not actual communists or anarchists in practice, even if they sympathize with some of the rhetoric employed (i.e. the wealthy tend to fuck over the poor).

I don't know why Zig Forums keeps regurgitating this meme. It's like something a high schooler thinks is clever. "Bruh, did you know corporations only care about profit?" Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

it's not just virtue-signaling. both the protestors and the corporations want the same open-borders globalism.