But I already do this, Delta

But I already do this, Delta.

Attached: FB_IMG_1591321460598.jpg (809x1024, 60.12K)

It's astounding how third-world our workplaces are. Then again, even third-world countries have multiple vacation days and a fund for workplace accidents.

Oh yes, Im sure without unions games will lower the 60 usd pricetag. If it wasnt for those pesky unions!

Do they think we are stupid? If they could save money with something is more profit for the owners, not cheaper for the client.

>inb4 if they make more money can make better products
Yeah tell that to Disney.

>pay into union
>union works directly against our interests
yep i'm getting that ps5 this year

Maybe your workplace. I get 6 weeks paid vacation, and full pay for up to 6 months if I get injured plus they cover all my medical bills. Its your fault for working at mcdonalds.

>union dues cost $700 a year!
>They also double your pay but lets not put that on the poster

I smell a happy merchant

Americans think its freedom they can be fired at any time for no fault of their own and when they do they have no healthcare.

>pay union
>union does nothing just justifies its own existence by paying itself
>nothing changes, everything gets worse
great idea having yet another level of abstract administration, except off-site. Unions don't empower works, they empower unions.

Alright Jeff

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