What games have you been playing in quarantine? Finish any?
What games have you been playing in quarantine? Finish any?
I've been furthering my studies in mathematics and philosophy.
Ran through the entire FEAR and Resident Evil series during my layoff
We're talking about video games here pal
my dad gave me his switch so I beat BoTW but that's it. They don't fucking make shit worth playing anymore.
sonic cd
oot randomizer
super metroid randomizer
random itch . io games
i am too add to finish anything
Studying behavioral science and I've completed these games:
>Quake 1.5
>Quake Arcane Dimensions
>Soul Hackers
>Shadow Tactics
>Metal Gear Solid
Hope everything goes well for you, user.
Based; I've been reading, lifting (with ring fit lmao) and doing some continuing education classes with light sprinkles of videos games here and there.
lol gtfo nerd