What games have you been playing in quarantine? Finish any?

What games have you been playing in quarantine? Finish any?

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I've been furthering my studies in mathematics and philosophy.

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Ran through the entire FEAR and Resident Evil series during my layoff

We're talking about video games here pal

my dad gave me his switch so I beat BoTW but that's it. They don't fucking make shit worth playing anymore.

sonic cd
oot randomizer
super metroid randomizer
random itch . io games

i am too add to finish anything

Studying behavioral science and I've completed these games:
>Quake 1.5
>Quake Arcane Dimensions
>Soul Hackers
>Shadow Tactics
>Metal Gear Solid

Hope everything goes well for you, user.

Attached: FEAR shotgun gameplay.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

Based; I've been reading, lifting (with ring fit lmao) and doing some continuing education classes with light sprinkles of videos games here and there.

lol gtfo nerd