Creepy shit in vidya thread?

Creepy shit in vidya thread?

Attached: minecraft.jpg (1489x2138, 500.38K)

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the only creepy shit is you, OP

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Curiosity Bump

>the Freezer in Saints Row 2
>the ghost/npc in gm_construct’s dark room
>hostage situation image in Mario Kart arcade game

Theres just gonna be an iceberg for every game now
Not that im complaining

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absolutely and I love it

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I scan this pic over every time I see it, but the one thing that consistently makes me laugh is 'minecon 2008'

>Untextured chao
I like chao so explain this one


>hostage situation image in Mario Kart arcade game

wasn't there a video about the freezer that was actually pretty well made

For real though, why did they include the Satan texture?

I'm waiting for the DK64 and Smash ones that mentions playing as/playing on the question mark.

mind sharing with the class how those are reddit?

everything that isn't screeching, unending hatred of literally everything is reddit

It's out there.

Attached: truth fortress two.png (1579x2238, 3.68M)

The bosses in Donkey Kong Country 3 are nightmare fuel. Like, they went from goofy in 1 to angry in 2 to "really want to off you" angry in 3.

Attached: 200px-DKC3_Bleak.png (200x260, 54.89K)

Someone post the Dark Souls one

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Yeah they were freaky. I remember renting it once and they came out of the tv to get me. I ran in my closet to hide but that waterfall face thing was there and I nearly died.

>pyro is a woman
>fempyro is a man

Oh my god same! Except when i ran in my closet my dad was in there instead

The final image of Fargoth is from a video that I forgot the title of and I've been looking for it, anyone knows what it is? If I remember correctly it starts with Vivec floating and then he falls down into the giant Fargoth face, I thought it was made by zilchonium since it was SFM but I can't find it in his channel.

I also ran into my closet and found my dad with hyper realistic blood coming out of his hyper realistic eyes


>satan texture
What's the deal?

I know half of the posts in these conspiracy lists are shitposts, but some of them genuinely sound like some cutting room, lost content shit. I love it.

you tried/10

Anyone have any other charts that actually explain some of the theories in some of these graphs, like this one for Mario 64?

Attached: 0vk98e23ff251.png (2883x3642, 1.74M)

Explain all of these, please.

>Nopon ethnostate

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