What games would you buy with 12 million dollars?
What games would you buy with 12 million dollars?
Christopher Foster
Noah Bailey
Niggers use the death of their own blood to steal money. Every penny needs to be donated somewhere else.
Benjamin Ortiz
Star Citizen
Zachary Ward
i would buy every ps5 i could then scalp them to parent nogs at double the price.
white people get it for 300
Joshua Gutierrez
he wuz a good boi
Gabriel Ross
What the fuck are they going to do with that much? What the fuck were they planning to even do with the 1.5 million?
Lucas Rivera
Would you let a close loved one get murdered for 12 million Zig Forums?
Caleb Gomez
I'm gonna go get a tan, pretend I'm black, impregnate a black girl then watch my mutt son die and get 12 million.
Juan Hall
Holding up pregnant women at gunpoint for dem programs
Elijah Martinez
Niggers are able to spend all that on bling garbage in less than a year.