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Sorry I didnt buy you oh wait no im not LOL

what shitty soulless games
enjoy paying for DLC when a third edition is coming afterwards
serves you all right

Why did Pokemon games jump price from 40$ to 90$?

Fuck you

>Highest-selling Pokémon game since the original Red/Blue and Gold/Silver

Is Zig Forums ever right? Reading this place in 2019 I fully expected it to be a commercial flop, at least by Pokémon standards, not the best-selling one since the fucking Game Boy.

Who keeps making these threads? I wouldn't be surprised if this was unironic shilling for the DLC

Isn't single player even more gimped since there's nothnig post game like battle tower?

Game was shit before and no DLC or virtue signaling is going to suddenly make it good now.

No. You should apologize, game that doesn't even worth a pirate.

It was bound to, but sadly the power of marketing and lowest common denominator got exploited hard. F for Pokemon.