3 out of 4 of their consoles have sold over 100 million units

>3 out of 4 of their consoles have sold over 100 million units
>PS1 and PS2 outsold the N64/Saturn and GameCube/Xbox combined, respectively

How does Sony do it?

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Having your console double as a DVD player

money. Sony is a massive company that made their entrance to gaming with the most massive explosion they could buy. Nintendo was the company to beat, and they charged their publishers huge fees for "blank" NES, SNES, and Gameboy carts. Sony dropped all that shit by putting games on CDs and offered Nintendo's publishers much lower licensing fees. Publishers fled Nindy's consoles, some of them never looked back for decades. This made the Playstation a monster hit, and Sony just kept riding on that wave of success.

Seriously. games publishers want to put their games on systems that will sell games. If people know the next Playstation will have a bajillion games, they will buy the next Playstation. if publishers know that consumers will buy the next Playstation, they will develop their game for it, thus ensuring the system has a bajillion games. Now we have a perpetual motion machine. Sony keeps the thing lubed by paying for system exclusives, like Horizon Zero Dawn, and dumping cash into smaller devs who deliver good shit like Journey.

They keep sales going way past any other company as a cheep blueray/dvd player.

Attached: nounderstandu.gif (500x500, 445.4K)

better games, simple as.

By actually putting out consoles with games people actually want to play and no gimmick shit. Xbox was doing fine until they went with the whole MUH MEDIA GIMMICK and shit the bed. Nintendo was fine and will continue to be fine, because even if their consoles fail, they have the market for handhelds locked down period point blank and that won't ever change. But they also went the whole gimmick route after the Gamecube. Sony has never gone the gimmick route, although I do think the whole PSVR is waste of money and time that they could place elsewhere to improve their consoles but it's whatever I guess.

i love how people keep saying this as their excuse because they dont want to admit sony is at the top.
theres tons of cheaper options for bluray and dvd players compared to consoles.

let me add: Money, but also technology. Nintendo had doubled down on carts because they could make the most money and best control their ecosystem that way. Sony always looks for the latest tech they can put into their products, and then designs ecosystems around that.

the PS1 stole Nintendo's biggest developers and publishers simply by putting games on CD. Capcom's fighters, Square's RPGs, and Konami's music games (Bemani, DDR, etc..,) would NEVER have fit on a cart, back in 1996.

the PS2 was a DVD player, and was basically the same price as a stand alone DVD player, at that.

the PS3 was a Blu Ray player, although that was less of a big deal as fewer people were buying movies, at the time.

But, generally, Sony is a company driven by technology and is lead by some pretty smart guys. Unlike Nintendo, who are driven by business and a need to fit a very specific image, Sony just seems to go with whatever works best. usually that means getting the best games, but not always. For instance, one of the things hobbling the PS3 was the retarded system architecture that was a bitch to program for and left a lot of games looking worse than on 360. It was "more powerful" but that power was worthless if nobody could figure out how it worked. their obsession with the best tech nearly screwed them. but usually Sony does pretty well

>How did Sony do it?
After the godly PS1 and PS2 Sony went full retard and nothing has ever been the same. PS3 and PS4 are shitmears.
I have 200+ worthwile games for the PS1. PS2 still had over 100. Meanwhile The Shitmearstation 3 only had a dozen and the ShitsmearStation 4 one - that is ONE single worthwile game and rumor has it even that one single game is coming to PC now.

Going by that trend the DilationTrannyAIDSfaggotniggerdicksuckStation 5 will have 0 - that's ZERO games.
I have no idea what Neo-$ony might be winning, but one thing is certain; we are all losing.

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