Why does this box art make weebs seethe?

Why does this box art make weebs seethe?

Attached: ico-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (706x1000, 107.67K)

because it doesn't have japanese text and tea ceremony instructions? i don't fucking know

That box art makes people with good taste seethe, which you'd know if you had any.

It looks ugly. May as well not have the windmill since they removed its compositional function.

Gee I dont know maybe because it looks like shit

Attached: 9LhvW2u.jpg (715x536, 284.35K)

It's not a particularly good boxart, but it's not "US Mega Man" bad either. At least the two protagonists kinda looked like their game counterparts. I've seen worse.

soulless soul

They're both shit

Blame sony for rushing the NA release.

Because localizers thought that original cover was not flashy enough, so they had no confidence that it would sell well.

Attached: 1_IQTuJrZE6G0wKV8rdeUs8w.png (1529x1076, 2.49M)