You have already unlocked her and are playing her game, right?
Sonic Forces Speed Battle
I'm about halfway there
>Still no Sticks
This is some bullshit.
At least she made it into Runners, unlike Marine
>that one pick with Sticks complaining about her behaviour
Which one?
>Tikal wears sandals
>Her feet a a solid block though
Boy, Shulgin sure did get weird with it
Why are you looking at her feet?
God damn why is she such a hot bitch?
It's not fair that she's been completely sidelined.
They should just shrink the sonic characters' feet and give em human feet or the furry feet from the movie
>That's a nice race you were having
>Would be a shame if someone shit stars all over the entire fucking track
They're going somewhere with this Tikal stuff and I'm worried. I'm actually on a Adventure kick right now and the game is better than I remember it being.
Soon when my internet stops being shit. I wish Team Sonic Racing had this many characters.
Fuck people who use him.
I typically either use Blaze at level 13, or the Owl Mom at 8.
How do you got her at that level?
For me, it's Lunar Blaze at level 8.
Who, the Owl? I dropped the ten bucks for the Vault, and used red rings to do extra missions. I've still got some 2000 shards for her and just need more gold to keep upgrading her.
I mean Blaze
So it's just money?
That ten bucks was the only thing I've spent ever. For Blaze, I've just been playing for quite a while.
No, it's just grinding. You can't really effectively pay to level up normal characters like Blaze, only event characters like Owl Mom.
I'm actually impressed at how not pay to win the game is. The microtransactions are minimal, and the game itself is largely skill based. Your level doesn't matter much until you're getting above 5000.
I only care about Vector...maybe Chaos. Are they easy to get?
Vector is Rare and Chaos is Super Rare. They are not hard to unlock at all, though Chaos will take longer to level up.
I love how you can really rack up free red rings each day. And if you get one of missions where you earn 10 you can doulbe it by watchin a add.
Sliver chest can be unlock by ad watching
and if a gold chest is too expensive just start opening it and wait get cheeper.
I have been playing this off and on for 2 years only spent 20 dollars on because of the Tails vault.
Sonic characters canonically have blob feet.
This game and Sonic Jump Fever have to one of the few generous mobile games that are also fun to play as games.
I bought the game, beat it, but I had to sell my switch and games to buy a present for someone. I had a good collection.
Ironically enough, the same person helped me out with some cash when I needed money most recently.
Only modern ones do
You bought a free mobile game?
How is it that a mobile game had more thought put in it than the Sonic Forces itself.
She's my favorite Sonic character. Is it difficult to get her? Not sure if Speed Battle is gacha or not...