I'm going to say it, Sora.
I'm going to say it, Sora
"Black Lives Matter"
D-T-D.... Door to Darkness!
imagine if the whole movie woody just did nothing but swear like that and he didn't even say anything intellegible.
that would of been a legendary movie.
Ngl sora pops off in this scene
>fuck darkness
>you don't even have friends
the fuck Ngl mean? niggle?
ngl desu senpai baka
Why the fuck can you travel through time when you die in KH?
For someone to move through time, they must first abandon their body, becoming nothing more than a disembodied Heart in the process. Xehanort accomplished this task by turning himself into a Heartless, allowing this incarnation of the man to make the travel necessary to begin the recruitment of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness.
The act of disembodying one's heart also allows the traveller to grant access to time travel to incarnations of themselves scattered through different points of time. However, so long as these incarnations are not disembodied, they are unable to travel through time of their own accord, requiring assistance from the disembodied traveller.
A unique method for time travelling was the doorway to Timeless River, which did not abide by the normal rules of time travel.
In order for one to travel to a certain point in time, there must be another version of them waiting at said destination. In addition, rewriting the events that are destined to happen is forbidden in the laws of time; what is set in stone cannot be changed. Upon return to one's original point in time, the traveler loses all memory of the experience gained traveling. In spite of this, the memories of these experiences are etched into the traveler's heart, which can potentially have an effect on their perspectives and decisions.
However, Sora was able to alter the events that were originally destined to happen, thanks to his interaction with a Chirithy present in The Final World prior to travelling back in time, successfully altering time and saving the Seven Guardians of Light.
The doorway to Timeless River does not follow these laws.
darkness ruins everything and everyone
>TL: "Yeah, I'm a toy. What about it? I understand hearts better than you. Because Andy gave us love from his heart."
When will you EOP trannies finally learn Japanese and stop embarrassing yourselves with memes based on fan fiction?
When will you stop playing gay ass chink games with toys and ladyboys talking about emotions, lol
How did this get such a huge fanbase?
I cannot look at this kawaii uguu shonen protagonist next to a Pixar character and take it seriously.
Hearing my friends in high school mark out about how badass mickey in in KH2 I thought it was all a big meme but no I was wrong.
This is all done in sincerity.
Proto sóy basically. Just like Super Smash Bros.
Pirates world > hercules world > toy story world > tangled world > big hero 6 world > frozen world
What was that? I can't hear over the sound of your fragile masculinity shattering.
Anime + disney sells well
When i was a kid at the time i was huge into disney and anime
Saw a commercial and the concept of visiting disney worlds was just so cool
Its simple as that
> dudebro incels see how genuine and good the characters are and they default to "ew fucking cringe bro" to protect their fragile western masculinity
Niggle me this, Batman! What is peaceful, but also violent?
I don't get why do you spergs insist on taking everything seriously. Is the concept of "fun" completely alien to you?
All lives matter
Iam personaly most pissed off by the shitty mobile games and fear kh is just going to be that pretty much
Theyre already making a second one
You'll never be nihonjin.
You'll never be female.
I get what they're saying and whatnot but I can't get BL out of my head when Woody and Buzz are speaking Japanese.
You'll never taste the power of friendship that draws you to those shitty infantile games.
Two HD titles are rumoured to be in development, first planned to come out as soon as 2022.
lol, English is much better.
The data bossfights alone are harder than anything i ever faced in shit souls and also the most fun
If this is whats infertile to you than put a diaper on me and give me my bottle cuz thats the shit i want
You'll never go to heaven, because it's not real. You'll rot 6ft under while your corpse is feasted on by worms.
I fucking hope
Thank god theres other people autistic enough to write down the shitty "story" of the mobile games so that iam not fucking confused by everything
good, fuck being sentient. Gimme oblivion.
>seething this hard because I get to experience an emotional attachment to video game characters and he doesn't
you can also watch the cutscenes if you want, like here
And you will always be an angry white incel jealous of Japan.
I'm not white.
Wow, imagine being a subhuman turd worlder. I would've suicided ages ago if I was in your shoes. Your life is literally meaningless.
'Cept whitey
Go back to rioting in the streets mutt