What went wrong?
What went wrong?
You think you do but you don't (RO edition).
Taking too long to banhammer afk necro faggots
Taking too long to implement meaningful pvp content
Other than that it's a solid game.
I remember all the hype for CBT, think I played it for 2 hours
leveling is too easy
and it seems there is no endgame content
the artstyle is phenomenal and music is really fucking great
build variety seems decent too really
I would go back to it in a heartbeat if it actually had some fucking endgame content to grind out
people realized they didnt actually want to relive RO
Forgot that it was meant to be an mmo
No end game content? So what the fuck is there to do? Can you gank lowbies or something?
MMO is a dead genre
It's a MMO
Most of the content is end game now.
>check the/vg/ thread
>kept alived by one or two autists posting nonsense
>check the archive
>literally same post every thread
holy hell
last time i checked the general people told me the only endgame content is some weekly raid and a challange mode
elaborate further on your statement please, this is important
I'm so fucking glad that they added /vg/ as a board.
wanted to try it ages ago but kept having issues with running the game for some reason. Gave up and never bothered with it again.
Should have been a sandbox.
I hate how the game is easy to reach max level, then suddenly you must farm 3 months to get the gear to make dungeons that all requires hours of wiki learning and lying through your teeth to find a group that will only take "veterans" on the instances.
Terrible optimization
Server issues
Leveling is too easy and the end game is non existent
Soulless quest line (seriously, I'd rather grind mobs ad infinitum on RO than do shitty meaningless quests like any other MMO)
It had a lot of potential, but they fucked it up. I really tried to like this game, but, even with all its problems, RO is still much more fun.
they deleted my character during the server merge so I quit
I love this "there is no endgame" meme that people that only played on 2016 love to shout around when this hasn't been the case for years now.
Tree of Savior has a lot of endgame content now:
>Challenge modes
>World bossing
>Vaivora weapon hunting
>Legend raid dungeons
>Weekly Boss raids
>Dimensional collapse point
>Hunting Ground Bosses
>Remnance of Bernice
>Level 400 Dungeon
>Gemstone Feud
>Guild Territory Wars
>Uphill Defense Mission
not to shit in your drink but how many of these are repeatable, have enough content to not get boring fast and is kill x shit? I really like killing shit, doing it over and over but in different instances/enemies. thanks
i played it again a few months ago after dropping it during all the initial release bugs and had a shitload of fun being a priest that was basically goku
it was op but i enjoyed it
Bots, gold sellers, pinoy and BRs.
Answer me you fucking pricks
The game runs like dogshit and has a really shitty community.
>Terrible optimization
This, once again, is something that was an issue in 2016/17. Since then we've received a lot of optimization patches with the last one dating back to 1 week ago, which improved the performance in cities with a lot of players greatly. They announced 64-bit mitigation for this year as well and an additional big optimization patch.
>Server issues
There are no server issues.
The only things not repeatable are Dimensional collapse point and Hunting Ground Bosses. Everything else can be reset by items obtainable in the game through monster drops, events, the market, shops and NPC's.
I remember 90% of the gameplay was just discovering the one functional skill (i.e. the one that did 30 times as much damage) any class had and spam it until your eyes rotted.
I had fun with it, played that ranged character that rode around on your lizard, but all it ever boiled down to was running around in circles using the multi-hit shoot button.
I just remember being practically unable to level up with my friend at launch since you kept getting pulled into solo instances.
Would you suggest someone who has no intent joining a guild to solo endgame content or doing it with randoms?
I dont want to wait 1 hour to find people for an instance that take 10 minutes
I'm not exaggerating you picked literally the simplest class in the game.
Every since Rebuild, all classes have been brought up to the same level power-wise. You choose your base class and then 3 additional classes of your liking. There are no skill that just don't work anymore. Sure there's a meta where certain builds can dish out more DPS than others, but we get constant balance patches, which opens up new build possibilities and highlights different classes regularly.
They changed that completely in a sense that leveling up from 1-400 is easy, 400-440 proves some challenge and 440-450 is a pain in the butt.
This was done so people had an easier time getting into the game and discovering classes and skills.
Leveling being easy should be fine seeing how many classes were in the game. But they couldn’t balance for shit and I recall only two handed sword men being the most op and everything being meh to shit.