Twials of Mana


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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are we still here....just to suffer?

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ass too big

How can we fix the Mana series?

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get rid of this munchkin


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So is this game actually good or is it just the usual painfully mediocre waifu garbage FOTM that gets spammed?

What the fuck?

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I've been wanting an answer to the same question for a while now. The character designs are cute as hell and have me curious but I'm still on the fence

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So wheres the crack?

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Just play the demo and see if you like it.

>still uncracked


You've obviously already made up your mind about it

Anything I say you'll take the other way around. The game is trash. So leave

>getting this defensive over a question

State of you.

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No it’s a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it. Great action rpg combat, fun character building, bizarre voice acting. Very vanilla story. It’s kinda like a slower Ys 8 in combat. I definitely recommend it.

It's only 50 dollars.

i want to taint his body myself if you catch my drift

I'll admit you got me because you weren't actually asking a question

from what I've heard the voice acting is hilariously bad


It's a fairly faithful adaptation and evolution of a previously fan-translation only SNES game. It's not a hard game, especially if you bother to put a healer on your team, but the team composition and leader mechanic lets each playthrough feel distinct. Different bosses, different plot threads, that kind of thing.
It's too old-fashioned and straightforward for a 10/10, but does have some honest soul and entertainment beyond "haha thick lady lets ass hang out, look at the dumb slut go".

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i think some are alright, but on the other hand kevin's va is fucking terrible and the guards sound like they recorded the lines on the phone and sent them to the localization team

Stay hydwated Zig Forums

watch this

>Vinny repeatedly going back to title screen just to hear Charlotte

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>listening to the funny ha ha youtube men
why do this to yourself