>Want to make a let's play channel
>Literally every game ever has already been played
>Not a particularly funny or wacky personality, just some dude
>Nobody even watches the videos, they just treat them like podcasts
>Can't bring myself to record a play-through of fucking Super Mario Bros. 2 since I'd be adding nothing to the conversation
Want to make a let's play channel
Most LPers aren't funny. You either get a group of friends together so you have stuff to talk about or you sell your soul and pander to literal infants. There's no real way around it.
>>Literally every game ever has already been played
Clearly you have very limited taste, as a fan of the DS, PSP and GBA there's a ton of stuff from those systems that nobody has done LPs of, same for basically everything pre-PS4.
not being funny never stopped game grumps or oneyplays, why would it stop you? just scream and make random noises, but "ironically" so idiots can tell themselves it's okay to be watching garbage. after all... it's only shit IRONICALLY
let's plays age like milk. Reviews are better, as long as they aren't done the channel awesome way.
Be very careful OP. Let's Plays can lead to mental breakdowns.
Here's my PSP folder on my computer. Any of these seem remotely interesting?
LPs are dead, dude. Only the biggest ones like Game Grumps or Oney Plays have any traction nowadays.
What you SHOULD do instead is make a LP-review hybrid where you record yourself playing through a game all the way, and cutting it down into review-like format where you add in your summarized takes on things. Channels like Civvie11 and Nitrorad have done that pretty well.
Pretty sure it was creepy obsessive strangers outing him.
i wonder if they're the same creepy obsessive strangers that made brianna wu flee her house out of fear?