Have you drawn your favorite vidya character yet? why not
Have you drawn your favorite vidya character yet? why not
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i have shitty spatial thinking
i know that objects are made of shapes but i can't translate that to a paper for the life of me
what is this image
OP thinks buying an expensive digital tablet would let him dip on the commissions buxs.
You shouldn't leave paper if you're not ready for digital.
Yeah, even got commissioned to draw her the other day too.
post art
I can barley write
Its mainly Danganronpa stuff, Etna is my favorite girl.
>Bro its just circles it triangles git gud.
But in all honesty i was trash drawing faces for the longest time, it wasn't until I started learning anonymity and applying that to the drawing it came together. Still can't shade worth shit though.
Takes practice, it's not a natural way of thinking for most people, but you can train yourself and we have the shoulders of giants to stand on who've done the work on breaking down the techniques.