Are video games better than sex?!
Are video games better than sex?!
Don't fall for the female trickery. Sex is not worth losing your wizard powers.
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Is off topic posting better than video games and sex?
How would anyone here know?
One more year to go, can't wait to start casting kickass spells
does mario wear a red hat
Haruhisky is based
that is all
Never even watched Haruhi but I've fapped to Haruhisky's art dozens of time
What are some video games?
sometimes yes!
i fucking love her too much
>he doesn't have a game & cunny session every night
Never gonna make it.
No, coffee is bad for you.
No, only virgins would disagree
Mario looks funny
Like bags of sand.
Once I become a wizard what powers will I get?
>Sex: Good
>Video games: Fucking terrible
You tell me retard
Depends but most of the time yes. Unless you're emotionally attached to the person vidya will always have the potential to be better.
Depends what you've had more recently.
Marginally, yes
Inner Clarity
sex = 10 seconds of pleasure
video games = all day
I just recently hit 30 as a virgin and still haven't felt any of my magic power. I'm starting to believe any form of spilling your mana sets you back. I think you have to not only not have sex but also no fap for 30 years. I'm sorry my brother but the dream isn't real.
They're about equal, to the point where I don't do anything other than video games unless I believe it will help me in getting sex.
I'm spending the week at my Gfs place to help out at her family store since their lost their entire workforce thanks to Covid. As much as I cherish her, all I can think about is going back to my apartment to play Yakuza Kiwami 2.
I disagree and yes I'm virgin, so virtuous.
that's a weird looking mario
masturbation is better than sex
I wouldn’t know
Sex is great, only burnouts and true nymphomaniacs disagree
That pleasure is greater than any moment in any video game
What do cartoons have to do with sex?
never had sex idk lol
Most definitely.
>t. virgin
I honestly dislike having sex with my Gf. I do it out of obligation.
>implying Steel Panthers WaW isn’t better then sex in every single way possible
I wish I was you
Fucking my hand is more enjoyable than any video game I've played in recent memory. I can only imagine how pleasurable it must be to cum inside a pussy.
You're trying to trick me into losing my powers during this last year, aren't you? I'm not falling for it.
No but you need a good partner, if not you will have the worst time in your life
How am I a simp I just want to play Yakuza
I can't get diseases from Video Games.
videogames are better than sex for sure
waking up with a cute girl by your side is better than videogames tho
haruhi is the least attractive girl
Good shit bruh
straight sex? Yes
gay sex? No fucking way
less attractive than the little sister?
For any wizards lurking, do you lose your magic after having sex once or is it permanent?
If your answer isn't unironically yes, you're an incel.