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It's asking if your character pretends to be another gender

Based and geniepilled

Video game./

Naoto Shirogane and Chihiro from Danganronpa do those things, yes.

It used to be fun to try to stump him, now he's turned to shit because of retards and meme fags.

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I used to not appreciate how trap shit was kinda funny and I regret it, the tranny obsession from both sites is slowly killing any fun on this board.


that's what the akinator website looks like now? God that's fucking soulless

>10 questions minimum asking what youtube/twitch eceleb your character is

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He couldnt guess it

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>he has no entry for Olivert Reise Arnor

cute girl what is sauce or artist google gives me nothing

source is:
I have no idea i just saw it here and saved it

>Is your character from a video game?
>Is your character from FNAF
Jesus christ, what is this nonsense?

why is he so shit now? did they change the algorithm?

>Does your character pretends to be another gender?
>Aka is it like BoTW where Link dresses up as a girl
not hard bro, does your character pretend to be the other gender or not?


>Can't even guess pic related

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>just caught me out twice in a row
a decade later i still hate this cunt

It's asking if the character specifically crossdresses, not if they're trans.

>guessed a character with 19 previous wins
fuck this creepy shit

Just tried Maximillian and it gave me some character from a crappy horror "game."

Alas poor Akinator, I knew him, user.

Took him about 50 questions and 2 guesses but he got it in the end.

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It asked me if my character owned a car three times.
And if they were a youtuber twice.

Well, he never found this guy at least

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>Does your character believe in God?
>well, that dep-

Well, did they own a car?


There are many examples in media of people cross dressing to survive, just recently we had botw do it.

Zoomers might be partially to blame but so is Zig Forums for misusing him at times by not actually having a character in mind.

He got him bro
269 times

I feel like you guys fuck up when answering questions, not to be rude or anything I guess it could be Akinator fucking up. But there are a lot od times where people will say he didnt get a character and then I'll try and he'll get the character.

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I actually got him after posting that. Took 80 questions.

Two were "Is your character originally from a video game"'; two were "Is your character bad" and "Is your character evil"; two were "Is your character white-skinned" and "Is your character light-skinned"

Max was only played four times, apparently, but the question I got make it seem like whatever learning algorithm they have has decided that enough people are using shit like Roblox characters so that the early "splits" can be on what used to be really niche questions.

I can't find a good CART graph or animation to show what I'm trying to say, unfortunately. I also don't know if anyone is curious enough for me to post about it.

Well, did they own a car?

>"Is your character a human being?"
>have to waste the 10 next questions to convince him my character isn't some shitty Undertale AU OC

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>Shadow Labrys
>Is your charachter evil? Yes
>Does your charachter have white hair? Yes
>*Smug Akinator* Is your character a robot? Yes, shit
>Does your charachter look like Rihanna?
>Does your charachter appear in Dark Souls?
You were so close dude, why the fuck did you start doing stupid random questions.

Only a matter of time unil the genie is deleted because it's racist or something and we only have the white menu with some words in it