2 = 1 > V > MGR > 3 > PW > trash >>> 4

honorable mentions:
MG2, and Ghost Babel

Attached: mgs.jpg (800x600, 326.89K)

Prove me wrong... i'll wait.

I can't actually

V was so fucking fun, Zig Forums can suck my dick

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I can only prove you wrong if we are rating based on story and the game relative to the the time it was released. if we are just going by gameplay, your argument is literally infallible

Venom Snake beats all of their ass and handily
Don't (you) me


3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4

Please stop putting 4 last, guys.


Search your feelings, you know it is true.

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1 > 3 > PW > 4 >> 5 >>>>> 2
Not counting MGR but it's breddy gud

2 > 3 > MGR > 4 > 1 > PW > V

Ive never played a Metal Gear Solid Game.

>V over fucking anything


3 > 4 > 2 > V > 1

Don't @ me, boomers.

V should be at the very bottom of a METAL GEAR list but the gameplay is so good

you're just a salty fag if you think GZ is better than TPP

So what's next for Metal Gear provided Konami EVER makes a new game?

And also when will we get a Metal Gear super collection for the Nintendo Switch where we can also get Twin Snakes as that seems to be Nintendo's game, they got dibs on that one. Bonus if they touch up the games so that they play better (like no more button sensitivity hold ups and CQC in MGS2 and MGS3). Basically Konami has a big opportunity with the Nintendo Switch and it's annoying that Metal Gear is kind of dead, like seriously not even a port. MGS4 is still PS3 exclusive.

>So what's next for Metal Gea
would have been a revengance sequel but they decided MGSURVIVE was the best course of action. It'll most likely be some sort of prequel and if not then it'll be a huge gap of time from now then a reboot on next gen or next next gen.

Don't give a fuck about bingtendies

>the most focused sandbox stealth game ever made is worse than TPP

OK nerd

3 > MGR > 1 > 2 > PW > V > 4

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>MGS4 is still PS3 exclusive.

Didn't they port that to the PC? I swear that game got a port.

Liking 3 and hating 4 is a clear sign of brainletism.

Didn't like Metal Gear Solid 3. I simply straight up hated The Boss. That annoying Feminist Plot Device derailed the entire series now from MGS4 and forward any and all games are about The Boss and The Boss' Will which somehow Liquid and Solidus represented and I cannot stand this awful shit character who people only pretend is good to seem politically correct. Glad that MGS4 was the last game I actually bought. Watching the cut scenes of the follow up games was painful. Metal Gear thankfully is dead. Unless Konami hires western faggots to ruin Metal Gear even further with political correctness just like how they hired western faggots for Silent Hill.

GZ is just the demo for TPP
you are possibly the biggest contrarian dork i've ever seen post

>That annoying Feminist Plot Device
is this a copypasta or just bait?

This is what I mean, can't say anything bad about female characters because simps start taking offense.

um no?

>So what's next for Metal Gear provided Konami EVER makes a new game?

Wouldn't mind an outlandish idea. A colorful Metal Gear spin off that's more fantastical. Like imagine a different take on Metal Gear where robotic androids can happen or anthros exist in the universe. Fun shit like that and before you say that doesn't make sense neither does Kid Dracula which is a Castlevania spin off and to this day we don't know whether Kid Dracula is indeed Dracula or Alucard. And besides Metal Gear has a lot of weirdness already from super powers to cyborgs and AIs that spoke to Raiden.

>Like imagine a different take on Metal Gear where robotic androids can happen or anthros exist in the universe

Anthros already happened in Metal Gear the Ape Escape crossover.

I want a the boss prequel, that shows how she got to where she was and how she formed the cobras

>more SJW libtard simp feminist propaganda

You forgot ghosts. Metal Gear has ghosts......I want a Metal Gear and Silent Hill crossover inspired by the Silent Hill 4 ghosts.