4k PC gaming is a meme

Unless you have a 50 inch PC monitor, 4k gives no noticeable difference over 1440p at typical distances you sit away from the pc screen. All 4k does is shit on your framerate.

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how do phone screens look better? they are even smaller and sometimes viewed more closely than pc monitor

Stop being poor

Stop posting my photos on this incel website

50inch no, try 32inch. Also yes 1440p 144hz is gigachad compared to 4k60, but some games don't go past 60 so might as well get higher res.

Sage for ugly gook shit though get lobotomized.

I agree OP, which is why Im doing exactly that

Attached: IMG_2100.jpg (4032x3024, 1.78M)

>straya filter
blimey, that huntsman getting into my tower really fucked something up

>Unless you have a 50 inch PC monitor
How's that a problem?

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (800x534, 19.93K)

are curved monitors any good? i have to say they interest me


Well duh. Do you really think anyone here does 4k?


You sound like a poor OP. 32" 4k 60hz for games that don't support above 60fps. 27" 1440p 165hz for everything else.

All that just to play a game that can run on a toaster fucking LOL

>sitting that close to a monitor that large
>unironically seeing less of your game
Explain the fucks who do this

stop pretending not being poor on Zig Forums

people generally pay good money to correct astygmatism, not replicate it

34" 21:9 144hz with a 1080p/1440p 144hz secondary monitor is best.

Of course not, we all moved up to 8k.

Attached: 8k.jpg (7680x4320, 3.58M)

>textures from 2004

Attached: 1590597427617.jpg (1024x672, 107.33K)

Stop projecting 3rd worlder

4k/144hz is impossible on max settings with any newer title. literally unplayable for a lot of competitive titles, so 1440/144 is king.

people like to throw 'poor' around without realizing that a 1440/144hz panel cost nearly the same as a 4k/60. 4k is stupid meme shit for kids that think tomb raider and spider-man are good games.

That's when they stopped making good games.

Attached: Vanquish_2019_12_05_05_12_44_396.jpg (7680x4320, 3.94M)

ITT: MY set up is best


Attached: 2020-06-05 (5).jpg (3840x2160, 1.95M)

>everybody's eyesight is exactly the same

It does look like shit, user.

High fps is a meme outside of boomer shooters anyway. 4k also offers a benefit competitively because its easier to make out targets at a further distance

>retards arguing 1440p vs 4k
>when 1080p is the best balance between visuals and performance

Wow she is so hot! Who is this? I want to donate to her!

Because you're looking at it on a 1080p screen lmao

Attached: 2020-05-16 (2).jpg (3840x2160, 3.28M)

But it's so 2006... and what am I going to do with my 67% GPU utilization overhead?

>wenn ublock existiert

Its not a matter of being poor. Even the RTX 2080ti can barely do 1440p 144hz in all games. Its a matter of priority.

720p is all i will ever need I'm not wearing glasses at home and can't tell the difference even if I try

Are ultrawides a meme or not?

Female gamers don't like games.
They only like themselves playing games.
The same goes for any hobby though.
Female sport fan, female chess fan, etc...

looks like shit, 2004 games cranked up to 8k look way better.

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please educate yourself
with an average viewing distance of 20-30 inches (~50-75cm) practically anyone would benefit from 4k on a 27" screen
a 50" screen as a PC screen is absolute overkill unless you sit more than 1 3.2ft (almost 1m) away

Attached: viewingdistance.png (1197x1236, 207.94K)

Paying a premium for shit you dont need is what PC gaming is all about dont you know that