Haha, tiddies
Haha, tiddies
Idk why but I love this game its so entertaining
those the girl with blue hair have a boner? wtf
Me too user. It's shit, but I like it
It's good. People here w8ll shit on anything.
eve a shit, tranny version or otherwise. Odette and Grace are superior.
The good part of this game was the end part where I could impregnate every single girl.
I don't fap to it. I like the art for what it is, doesn't look horrible to me. The writing is funny. The characters are comfy. Its a fun game.
When the fuck is he going to shag the principal?
shit opinion
I can't stand the MC of this game...
Anonse, the principal is going to shag him. She's either heavily into femdom or a shemale.
So what's the context of this scene?
Prob in 0.22. Which won't be out this year if nothing changes.
I can't fap to it either, because of the art. It's entertaining for sure
I really should start making porn games too.
Its leagues above taffy tales however. That game looks extremely uncanny
>finally look up game after all this time of seeing these characters
>Patreon - $66,332 per month
What the fuck
Odette is easily the best girl in that game
It's quite ok for a game and the dev sure knows how to make it somehow entertaining. The porn part of it is more of hit or miss, it depends on personal tastes. Too bad that the dev cares more about milking this project than to develop it.
A COOMer and his money are soon parted.
english speakers are starving for good h games
To be completely fair, its a rather small team with only one artist. Its an art heavy game too so it all takes a while. Also, you can watch the main dev work on the art every day. He streams it on Picarto.
With all the patreon bucks they pull in, they should certainly be able to be more than just a rather small team, shouldn't they?
Some say yes, some say no. I don't pay them and I'm not part of their team. As long as they keep working on the game I'm happy.
>cares more about milking this project than to develop it
Literally every Patreon scam. FFS, they get their money by finishing stuff in a efficient way, that platform doesn't work for development.
I know it very well. With the money he makes, he can get another artist in. A good one too, if he really wants. It may takes a while for the new artist to adjust to DC style but meanwhile he can stick to background or objects and such, leaving DC to work only on characters and scenes.
He just doesn't care. Like with all the coders he brings on the team.
with 60k a month he could have opened an entire studio by now
If the writing is excellent i guess thats fairly acceptable, alot of h-games are just atrocious in how poor and uncreative the writing is.
artists that can make characters look the same despite trying to draw them differently will never not make me laugh. must be something to do with their face proportions or coloring style or something
I'm trying so hard to like this meme game you guys have been shilling but the art style is so awful
DC doesn't want to hire another artist as far as I know.
It looks like a trashy cartoon. I love it.
It's so strange how people don't realize that Patreon is a direct monetary incentive to delay your project as long as possible for the most amount of cash. The moment the game is completed people who were actually keeping up with the games development will stop their donations because now there's no reason to donate.
I think it works well for artists who regularly release different pieces and all that, but for games it actively delays them
Art is ugly as fuck, stories are trivial as fuck but it's highschool journey most of us wanted and never had. It's so fucking cliche but that's precisely what I needed
the art in this "game" sucks
why is it so popular?
Exactly my point. He doesn't care to have another artist 'cause he would get less money and the game would get a serious boost in development (less money again).
I really just wish he had started off with a smaller project.
It's great what he's trying to make. But due to it being his first project he went about it in some really impractical ways. It seems like every update they need to remake something, or fix some old code, just because he didn't really plan ahead from the start.
>I think it works well for artists who regularly release different pieces and all that
Yeah, the platform itself isn't bad since it was created to support stuff that gets continuous releases, like comics, blogs, simping cosplay thots, etc. Wait, maybe the idea is actually bad...
You also have to consider however that he doesn't get 66.000 Dollars a month. There's still taxes and Patreons cut.
Patreon take a bunch, they're not getting exactly 66k