Finally got to her. Glad photo mode is a thing now
Nioh 2
Is this ever coming to PC lads? Did the original only come out on PC after all the DLC was out? Where are we at on the DLC schedule for this one?
I think first dlc comes at end of this month and it will probably come to pc after all dlc as complete ed. Could be year easy u til that
PC beggars should be banned on sight. Change my mind.
>still no pc release announcement which means no pc release in 2020
why are you doing this for fuck sake
Games can be talked about even if they are not on PC, samefag.
>i like to suck cock
ok but i dont really see the point of you saying that here.
What are you even talking about? Are you ok dude?
thats not goldie
>I am a giant fucking faggot
There it is again. You keep saying that but this is a video game thread where people are talking about Nioh. So nobody cares about you liking dick. Just stop
goldie is for yuri not cock
user, did you confuse me with someone else? Ah no, I get it. Though you can keep the thread up in other ways rather than shitposting.
no one gives a shit about nioh, just let it go
that thread had a staggering 16 total posters
I just hit NG+. Should I dump all of my exotic and lower gear I've held on to?
I am all for more people enjoying it and I sincerely hope you anons have your share of fun but I can't help but feel PC version will be soul-drained with hackershit
>people cheating in perfect items with impossible stats
>people cheating on the glory tables even harder, since there are already like 5 or so cheaters present on PS4 ranks
>people joining your coop-session and instakilling you/deleveling you/other malicious shit
Not until you've gotten your own perfect new setup that can be improved with soulmatching + gear.
>no one gives a shit about nioh
You do, you are here.
>tengu's disciple
>there will be a tengu or tengu-inspired boss
save me
> Emperor of Excrement
> Daimyo of Dung
> Samurai of Shit
> Warrior of Waste
Any more?
Fecal Feudalist
No. After the first game's lackluster sales and negative reception on PC KT decided to make it PS4 exclusive.
How is this game compared to the first one?
>Nioh before PC release:
>[Discussion about the game]
>Nioh after PC release:
>"Oh, what a fucking piece of shit this game is. Why are you playing this literal chinese shovelware when you can be playing Dark Souls / Dark Souls 3 / Sekiro?"
>Nioh 2 after release:
>[Discussion about the game with the rare "fucking diablo loot", "muh interconnected world" shitposts here and there.]
PS4 owners are just discussing the game while they can. Can't you be patient and wait until you have your own threads shitting on the game for not being made by "MASTER MIYAZAKI"?
Holy moly! Co-oping Twilight Missions in NG+ is fun as fuck!
My opinion is biased because I'm really digging the second, but IMO it gets very unfair rep because of the shortcomings of the first game. Namely
>short linear levels
>poor enemy variety
>bad Living Weapon system
have all been addressed, levels are longer and more interconnected, namely you can complete many of them in 2 different pathways from shrine to shrine. The enemy types have largely increased too, I'd say around 70% more. They have also revamped the special effects on armor and made it more unique.
People call it Nioh 1.5 but there is literally nothing wrong with that, because they actually polished the fuck out of the game.
The monarch of manure, duke of diarrhea, the markgraf of muck, the sovereign of stool, the pope of poop, the crap count, the lord of the latrines, He-Who-Squats, the baron of bullshit, motherfuckin' Azai Nagamasa himself
I didn't hate the short levels of the first one honestly. Is the story a continuation from the first?
Prequeltimeskips to being a sequel
I thought ot was at the end of july
Also kasha thot>meme hides>everyone else
Oh boy I can't wait to see what they add in the dlc
>mfw kicking the everloving fuck out of everything with Yumehami and Legendary Strategist's combined +40% ki damage
>mfw i have no face because it was kicked off