Why is Chun-li such a jobber?

Why is Chun-li such a jobber?

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all this dry ass with no sauce?

chun vs horse


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Why doesn't street fighter have a shota or at the very least a twink?

Who has Chun-Li even jobbed to? SF canon such a mess.

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Juri has abilities that rival psycho power.

tch tch tch

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Games don't like kid characters because of violence towards kids laws.

Eh I think he's still a bit too masculine

Thats a thing?

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Yeah few countries have laws against displaying violence towards children and often the rating boards won't approve a game with it.

I guess that makes sense but most major countries seem fine with it.

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What the fuck is a jobber? the new slur for asians?

Bison in Alpha 2

A frequent loser


What do you see when you look at this image?

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i don't know

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footfags the furries of basic fetish porn.

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And anti foot fags are even worse

I'm just jealous footfags get masters of anatomy while everyone else gets two circles called tits and ass.

Obnoxious and indignant when people tell them their fetish is unappealing or even disgusting to other people?
Checks out, lmao.

Yes, Imagine saving shit you doesn't like just for being a mememaster

But there's tons of artist who can draw both really good

Why did you post cute feet?

I try to summon the amputee guy from Zig Forums

chun li is design kino

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