>Play Japanese game
>Every female character is oversexualized
Justify this without sounding like a drooling coomer.
Play Japanese game
Its great. Its even better when its underage girls.
>Justify this without sounding like a drooling coomer.
Why is it suddenly a bad thing to like sexy girls? Why is everyone pretending to like niggers? Why is everyone a tranny now? I want to go back to the 90s and 2000s. It was unironically a better tine.
What if the game is specifically about the girls all being super sexy?
Just don't play them then. Why not play something you are comfortable with instead of ruining stuff for others?
>Go in Zig Forums's SFW video games board
>Every thread is porn/ecchi or has a lot of it
Justify this without sounding like a drooling coomer.
>Justify this without sounding like a drooling coomer.
Whats to justify? Women in all forms of games have been oversexualized to please the majority of the demographic that plays games. Which would be straight men.
Male teens play games
Male teens like sexy girls
Japanese devs are simply being pragmatic. Bending the knee to a section of the population that doesnt buy games never helped anyone
Look at this girl.
She is sexy.
Simple as
Japanese games are simply not for you. Not everything in the world has to pander to your taste. Feel free to go back an play your western trash filled with trannies and niggers.
Why do you get so defensive over people who question your tastes? Why do you have a constant persecution complex and lash out whenever someone says something that makes you uncomfortable? Why do you base your entire identity around liking sexy girls and always feel personally attacked when someone has a different opinion? Why is insulting sexy girls the only acceptable thing to get triggered about on this site?
why do japs do this?
can someone actually answer this question?
Because it looks good, whether you're horny or not. Some people just like others to be aesthetically pleasing.
A tranny posted this
Game creators wanted that design. Their reasons hardly matter. If you don't like it, don't buy their product.
Thank you.
>play western game
>every female is a male to female tranny more buff than the whitest male in the game
Every time
I can't stand how real people look, nor can I stand Western megalips. Nip designs are perfect.
I said the coomer word again upvotes to the left
I can't. They know that sex sells unlike the west where "politics" sells.
>2012: Don't worry they aren't coming for your games
>2016: Who cares if they censored her outfit
>2019: Your titty game is now canceled
there is no justification
sex sells and people will buy a product solely because big titties can be seen in it
Cause you shouldn't be in any position where those images should do any harm, as in get your own computer, and stop using the family one or stop browsing Zig Forums and get back to fucking work
18+ site. Why would anyone browse Zig Forums(nel) at work anyway?
>2021 your AAA game has now a transexual gender fluid multirracial main character
If you dont like it you are a bigot and you better dont dare to complain or well get you fired and evicted from your house.Have a nice day
There's literally nothing wrong with a character being portrayed as attractive and sexy.
If you're a 400 lbs bull-pierced blue-haired Tumblrina maybe it's time for you to get your shit in order instead of going green with envy and lashing out at others.
Gays and Transexuals has been in Japanese games since the dawn of time, now fuck off back to work.
What is Astoflos
What is Boku no Pico
What is Chevlair de leon.
>boy who calls himself boy
>boys who call themselves boys
>boy who calls himself boy
Post actual trannies next time.
>What is Astoflos
>What is Boku no Pico
>What is Chevlair de leon.
You tell me, I have no idea
It sells to gamers, allowing for sequels, which is a good thing if the game is otherwise fun
Depends what game it is. If you're playing something like New Vegas and every female has massive tits and a giant ass, it kind of breaks your immersion.
>men like looking at sexy men
>women like looking at sexy men
>men like looking at sexy women
>women hate looking at sexy women
if you didn't have the mind of a pre-teen you'd realize how cringy those overly sexualized costumes really look
sexual deprivation and frustration are very real things and many men suffer from them, if you dont get your dick wet often then your mind starts to revolve around it and anything even slightly feminine can set you off.
im sure you know this along with every person that enjoys those kind of games so whats the point of these threads
>Browse Zig Forums
>Every OP is a dick sucking faggot