It was a pain in the arse but I finally managed to get my hands on these beauties for display...

It was a pain in the arse but I finally managed to get my hands on these beauties for display. Oh and collectorfag thread I suppose.

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Man, the Wii was so starved for a proper JRPG. I remember people being disappointed over and over again.

>NTSC copies
>finally managed to get my hands on these beauties for display
What did it cost OP?

Nice one, I'm still looking around for a cheaper price for Radiant Dawn but that's a good haul.

It faired better than the Gamecube, unless you count ports of dreamcast games.

Get out of here Operations Rainfaller.

7th gen was really bad for JRPGs in general.

Play Pandora's Tower, it's great

Everything. No but seriously, just a few spare amiibos I own.

This beauty arrived last Tuesday.

Too lazy to take an actual pic.

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Pandora's Tower is like my tied second favourite JRPG on the Wii alongside Last Story which is why I wanted to get a spare one for display.

Still upset they cheaped out on the american collector's edition. They had a steelcase for XB2C for US. Definitely not paying $200+ to import the euro version.

>Pandora's Tower
>Last Story
t.Operation Rainfaller.

Nice. I do wish the US collector's edition for XBDE was as good as the European one. One can hope I can get a trade someday.

>have all of these physical except Pandora's Tower
>got PT on my Wii U digitally
>but I don't have the HDD space to keep it downloaded
Any recommendations for a good, cheap extended drive for the Wii U, fellas? I was probably just gonna default to like a 128 GB flash drive or something and go shop for some crap before they close the Wii U shop, mostly virtual console Wii stuff I missed, like Skyward Sword.

A USB drive would suffice honestly.

did someone say special editions?

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Thank fuck for XSEED on releasing PT and TLS for US.

Steelbooks are my weakness.

same here, I like to buy them second hand on eBay if I like the game enough. sucks how expensive bloodborne is but I figure I'll eventually get drunk and order it.

Nice Radiant Dawn, got myself these a few weeks ago.

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I feel like I missed out on a number of Wii JRPGs since I only really played co-op and family games with my family on the Wii. What do you guys think are a must-play that exclusively on the wii?

I usually hate cardboard boxes shit but gba boxes make me spooge

here they are by themselves

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is Arc Rise Fantasia any good

>lost in shadow
Why? It wasn't a very good game.

Those P5R and ToCS steelbooks are sleek as fuck.
Twas a bonus added in when I traded a few of my amiibos.

I really want a copy of TLS for myself. Hopefully they'll do a digital rerelease or something.

Tfw out of these three hyped titles only Xenoblade had any legacy

I got a pretty good deal on these like 6 years ago

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You're missing the GameGear one.

And the R-zone one


We don't talk about that.

It's Tales of with Sky of Arcadia-esque turn based combat. The game has all star Japanese casts and one of the worst English dub of all time. Also several boss battle are hard as shit

Makes me a little bit sad to hear it. If Mistwalker does carry on something for The Last Story, I would love to see what they'd do.

>I would love to see what they'd do.
Put the sequel on their mobile games of course

Remember Mistwalker is literally "Idea Guy: The company". All of their game development are outsourced to other company and most of Last Story dev are now working at Marvelous First Studio