Other urls found in this thread:
>gets PTSD from doing let's plays
>gets PTSD and nearly commits suicide when he gets doxxed for calling out on GameGrumps pandering to LGBT mafia and feels like he is to blame after Chris O Neil got booted from the studio after calling them out on it
I know one of the team members. He said oneil is completely doubting the level design and is trying to redesign the whole thing from scratch. Even some of the mechanics are getting overhauls. He didn't realize shit wasn't going well until after he revealed the game which is what he was trying to avoid.
revealed the game or the gameplay?
Gonna need some context
dingdong has too big of an ego to commit suicide
>Arin is deleting Jon-era Gamegrumps videos
Games where the bad guy can revise history?
look at this blacks
The gameplay
Poor Ding Dong. Guy didn't deserve that shit, even if he is a bit of a BLM cuck.
It's strange how the autists that shit on DingDong don't know about that drama. It's also incredible how gamegrumps fans suck Arin's balls 24/7 talking about positivity and shit like than and then they ruin people's lives at the drop of a hat
GameGrump fans managed to get hold of his phone number after snitching on him during his infamous Twitch Stream and tracked down his address and family memebers, outing him and his relationship with Julian that he wanted to be kept secret.
The GameGrumps studio also purposely deleted some of the DoodleDoods recordings in an effort to get rid of Chris because Arin (and possibly his new ""friends"" plus Suzy) saw him as too problematic and didnt like that he was still close friends with Jon. They even went so far as to making sure Chris wasnt properly earning the money the DoodleDoods series was earning and used legal loopholes from recording in the GG studio to avoid paying him and his friends.
ding dong and julian are total fucking cuckolds, any friends you make in LA aren't friends.
what are some good sleepycast episodes
DingDong lived a hard life
Which is why Jon, Steven, and Julian ditches that shit hole.
I've always liked ep 10 and the one with Jontron from off the top of my head, a lot of them are good but some are definitely better than others.
>mouth breathing 90 iq onion man child parrots politically correct views on twitter like he has any fucking clue about anything
What fuck happened to Arin? Like why did he turn into such a cunt over time
money corrupts people. Imagine that.
california is a hell of a drug
Sucking off leftists
inb4 sweaty man posts his saved photo, protecting the sanctity of thread topic.
Who Matt?
Oneyplays lost its soul once it got a channel manager.
you need to change this to
>uses your patreon bux to free criminals
i just wanted dingdangulous and jewlyin to be friends with chris and the gang again
very much this, but the demand of the fanbase/platform is what lead to 'management'.
don't move to california, it sucks your soul out
nice bot the jokes old now
I don’t give a shit about his politics, Brat Watson is based
Aren't they still friends with Chris? I thought it was Supermega that excommunicated both of them due to GG association. Thought I at least recalled DD talking about visiting LA after the move and hanging out with Chris, but Super Mega was quiet and neither of them contacted or invite them to do another podcast together.
They are friends. They played worms together last week.
real life
All he does is post the videos and manage the twitter.
They're still friend though, in fact Oney and Ding dong did a stream fairly recently where they played worms.
based gamegrumps fans
that'll teach dingdong for being a snarky cunt behind arin's back
Like clockwork
This isn't a videogame thread
They mention every now and then that the manager controls what gets allowed to be said and played.
dingdong and julian should maybe trying being employed at newgrounds' game studio
at least there they can actually work on games but its a small enough team to not trigger their inate hipster-ness
>the white knight shows up to protect dingdong
you'll never be his friend you know?
I couldn't care less about this faggot. Stop gossiping like teenage girls about z-tier e-celebs.
Off the top of my head, the hospital episode and King Crab are the ones I keep coming back to for some reasons.
Who thought this was good character design?
>Imagine going from a pioneer of digital animation online to a Chinese bootleg of good mythical morning.
>Imagine loosing all your sense of humor while trying to do comedy
>imagine loosing all your old friends because your wife hates them and you have no spine
idk how Arin Hasn't killed himself yet, the moment Suzy tries to make their marriage an "open relationship" he's gonna break down
I think they're legitimately burnt by gaming and the industry surrounding it. I wouldn't be surprised if Ding Dong just wants to finish his game and never touch a video game again.
>whistleblowing on someone trying to get away with malevolvent customer practices is bad
You and Arin would get along great.
you obviously care
why else would you take the time to go through the archive, post a link and tell people what you think of this thread?
you're just trying to protect dingdong's image so he can reward you with his friendship
admit it.
>tomar getting hard for having to destroy the hitlers
>Suzy tries to make their marriage an "open relationship" he's gonna break down
i heard she stopped wearing the wedding ring
>malevolvent customer practices
lmao is that what dingdong called it?
I gotta write that one down so that I can use it the next time someone puts a gay character in a video game.
to be fair i think she got too fat to wear it anyway
Full remake with DMC style combat when?
>he doesnt know
what is it with furfags now siding with arin so much? i remember back then they were all thirsting for jontron
Most recently one of the new Black Baby videos and Insaniquarium
Jon lived in LA well into adulthood though, and he's based.
I think its more that Arin is from Florida
meanwhile arin plays dumb while acting like he cares for gays and black people, that a hypocrite
I watched those, you're making shit up.
Are you legitimately retarded? Its a single fucking click for me. I can see this thread from a mile away that its shitty e-celeb talk and drama that isn't V I D E O G A M E S
short answer:
long answer:
california and liberalism
The kind of shit Arin and his friends did would be illegal in EU, you half witted fucking cunt. DingDong doesnt even need to say that to make it obvious.
What Arin and his crew did was fucking evil and no amount of virtue signalling will ever change that.
its crazy how arin is and has remained to be the worst part of GG for years even after getting rid of jon. its even more evident with ross and dan episodes since they are almost always 100x more entertaining than when arin is involved.
oh no! one letter!
wait are you serious?
I know I'm going to fall in the "viewer playing psychologist" but was it me or was tomar a little grumpy this episode?