Imagine being a Vita owner LMAO

Imagine being a Vita owner LMAO

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could be worse, i could be a switch owner

having a hacked vita is based af. sorry you missed out while they were dirt cheap/

jokes on you, it will be the superior portable emulation machine eventually

Wow, good for the Switch, it might eventually be better than the Vita at playing decades-old games that I can already play right now on my PC for free. Too bad it has no games otherwise.

Vita means life.

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Muramasa Rebirth and Soul Sacrifice needs to be ported.


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haha, imagine that
>thousands of PSV, PSP and PS1 games to play
>you can emulate literally dozens of different platforms if you hack it
>all in the palms of your hands

my boomer dad likes his vita

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But I emulate shit and play psx games on my vita every day at work

>wii u
that gen really sucked.

psp connected to a crt looks better than both of those crappy setups.

Is there a better emulation machine ?

It's pretty great desu
Best system I've ever owned, unironically.

handheld emulation machine?
out of major handhelds, vita is currently one of the best
I don't know about the Switch scene though. I'm assuming it'll be even better than the Vita

There are also lesser known handhelds like the GPD Win, but those are very expensive

What decent exclusives does it have left that haven't been ported at this point? Uncharted, Killzone, Soul Sacrifice Delta, and Freedom Wars?

Nintendo drones still seething because Vita was proven to be a better system

Glad I went back to mine. Surprised it still could hold a charge after being sat in a box for around 3 years.

At least they've got P4 Golden, if you want to play that, you have to have a vita!

why does it really need to have "exclusives"
this is something that I don't understand
some games were exclusive when they launched, and eventually get ported to other platforms or get emulated
what's wrong with that? why does that make the vita a lesser platform? the games are still there, and in a handheld format no less
I really don't understand why people obsess with "exclusives" so much... maybe that's why I'm more attracted to the PC/Xbox these days

Vita in particular had the problem of it had no killer app, and there was almost zero reason to get one to play poor performing multiplats of PS4 and PC games. Then it started getting the few games it did have ported away to other platforms in much better versions giving anyone little reason to ever consider one. That put it in a death spiral of no sales, then no games being made just for it because of poor sales, then less consoles being sold because of no software sales, etc..
Vita turns 9 this year and it's been discontinued for years now so it's hardly a big deal at this point. Just surprising that in this specific case it had so much of its library ported so fast to so many other platforms. Don't think we'll ever see anything like that ever again.

>and there was almost zero reason to get one to play poor performing multiplats of PS4 and PC games
It's a handheld. Normally people buy handhelds because they want to play games in a handheld format. If you prefer to play games on a TV, why are you buying a handheld? Even if it had "exclusives", it must be a pain in the ass to play those "exclusives" on a format you don't like. Personally, I prefer to play games on a handheld format. The only games I play on a stationary platform are the games that aren't available for my handheld.

The Vita was destined to fail. People like to blame sony, but they published high-quality first-party exclusive titles until 2015. Nothing sold. Lots of big publishers tried to get on the Vita, their games did not sell (enough).
The Vita still managed to keep japanese support, with JRPGs and Visual Novels, and western indie support throughout the late 2010's actually. There are more Vita games than PSP games in existence.

The Vita failed because of the rise of the smartphone. That's all there is to it. Even the mighty 3DS only sold like half of what the DS sold, and that's Nintendo we're talking about.

I really love my Vita desu
P4G is a pretty mediocre and really fucking boring JRPG all things considered (just like the rest of the Persona series), but good for the people that wanted to play it and didn't feel like buying one

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>we have this game with amazing power
>you can expect PS3 quality games on it!
>it mostly ends up getting 2D games
They really fucked the Vita over.

I had a PSVita 1000 and holy shit did FFX look good on that OLED, shame few devs took advantage of a top tier system.

beats being an idort rather than a fag who looks at his life only through sheer tunnel vision.
vidya lovers report in.

I wish I had a Vita.

2D games are a good thing, though. Fuck games running at 30fps or even lower, I REALLY wish devs would've stopped being retarded and toyed with simpler artstyles or 2D graphics to maintain good performance on the system. Handhelds just aren't meant to be amazing technological powerhouses.
Games like Wipeout 2048 in specific really hurt since they could've ran super smoothly with decent graphics and a super clear resolution if the industry wasn't so focused on bullshots and muh grafix for marketing.

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this, playing p4g while laying down is top comfy

Then what was the point of putting such a powerful chip in the console if there was no intent to use it? Why do the same thing mobile games could do, but less conveniently?

The vita failed because of the propietary memory cards being absolutely obnoxious, overpriced and unreliable, even with physical games you needed to install a good chunk of it on the card and for some reason deleting the game deleted your save data because that is fun specially when you need space to download a different game.

The system was good otherwise, it even did the whole switch thing before the switch with things like transfarring from MGS collection.

Why? I've just finished playing Peace Walker, and am now enjoying Ninja Gaiden. Vita is unironcially a great console.

I'd rather have them push good performance and decent visuals over technological prowess at the cost of playability. Pic related is one of the few 3D games that run at 60fps on the platform and it looks fine enough.
Why push games like Killzone Mercenary that are unplayable messes or even ruin the core gameplay of a series like Wipeout with less than stellar, and at times nigh unplayable framerate when they could've maintained a good standard of visual quality while at the same time assuring great, consistent performance throughout the whole library? That's a much more valuable use of that chip than just pushing the best grafix ever for every single flagship title.

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Vita was the very first handheld that was close enough that you could tone down existing console versions and dump them on the platform. So that's what it was getting instead of exclusives tailor made for the thing like 3DS, PSP, GBA, etc got back in the past. That completely destroyed the largest group of customers that were buying handhelds in spite of them being handhelds to play the exclusives. There just weren't a lot of compelling exclusives and then at around 2 years in almost all of them started getting ported away which scared away all but the most hardcore weeb customer that enjoyed portable versions of the JRPGs and niche Japanese games it was still getting. The PS4 versions of all of those were massively outselling the Vita versions in the west, even at a 50% higher price.
I entirely agree with that second part of it not really being Sony's fault but the market changing, but all the multiplats and games getting ported away most certainly were a huge factor in its failure. I can't count how many times I saw someone say "I'm not buying a fucking Vita for one game" only to see that same game get a PS4 or PC port on western release further convincing those people on the fence that if they wait it out they'll get the games anyway.