>Best girl does not have a route
Why is the world filled with such injustice?
>Best girl does not have a route
Why is the world filled with such injustice?
>best girl doesn't get enough scenes / events
>worst girl gets all the focus
I hate that glasses bitch. She robed us of a true Mamiya family route.
>best girl doesn't shit in your mouth
Why even live
>Best girl
>Not the milf
>best girl cums in your mouth
For this
I can't believe I'm fapping every single day, this lockdown is ruining me
gamer please, I've been fapping every day for at least the last 5 years
>digusting hag that gets turned on by her own son
I love milfs and mature women.
i have been fapping every single day for 15 years..
Not posting the best one
God I wish she was my wife
I see you're a man of culture as well
how do those pool balls feel?
>Best girl is a boy
>MILF thread
That's a rare one
The only tran character that doesn't disgust me. I just can't help but like her.
Doesn't she have the route where she pees in your mouth every day or something like that?
I wanna suck the piss out of her urethra
That's the common route
Imagine if she had a route
Whats this from?
that's the normal route, she's the only character that doesn't even have a bad ending just for her
She's not trans you fucking mongoloid
>Not posting the best one
Well, why didn't you?
Why are the scenes so FUCKING LONG
It's an absolute slog to get through it all
She is a naturally born, fully functional, intergender shemale.
to make it worth your money, I'll never understand criticism like this
I don't remember, was there some scene where you fucked her son or he fucked you or something like that?
>Longer = better
Biggest brainlet wojak ever. It's like believing watering down your drink makes it better because there's more of it!!! And yes I just used a food analogy.