Please ameribros say it ain't so
Why does media like to mention his name? Was he a celebrity or something? You don't ever see writer names in videogame news or even reviews
>metacritic score of >95 incoming
>Neil Druckmann is slouched in his chair. It's April 2019, a little after seven...
>OP hasn't played the game yet thinks he knows better than critics eho have played it.
Literally The Citizen Kane of Gaming, Part II.
They know you'd just forget it otherwise.
All hail Cuckman, the new hero of a videogames for creating a masterpiece like you've never seen before!
>Meet Neil, 41 years old and fed up with the way things are going he decides to release a game.
Gonna be some major seething in a few days I can't wait
The catastrophe didn't happen until the game was done though
MUAHAHAHAHAHA this amazing game is gonna break Zig Forums for at least a week.
This is insulting for Citizen Kane...
He's virtually the only famous Jew creator in videogames, that's probably why. The Tribe is obsessed with promoting itself.
The "moviefication" of games is explicitly the "Hollywoodization" of games. It's not just about pandering to the lowest common denominator, it's about establishing Jews at the top of another creative industry.
>moments before /v getting btfo again
goreporn that glorifies violence against women and minorities
>"how Neil Druckmann made a masterpiece"
Does anyone have that image where a quote about people erroneously crediting entire games to single creators is credited to the "creator of Deus Ex"?
cause its a clique and they are all fuckbuddies
It's not even fucking out yet
>could this be the best game ever made
Yeah it could have, then they took out Factions
Can't wait for normalfags to be suckered in by reviewers and media only to find out the game is a half-done piece of shit with a terrible plot and kick start GG2 journies boogaloo.
Not again... not like this
the games industry and the games press are extremely insular and incestuous
Take your meds
are normies ready to get redpilled on trannies or will they acceps it and post a rainbow on insta when it drops
You wish
>already forgot kojimbo
Fuck knows, we'll see when it all kicks off
Have you not been paying attention? this virus buisness has got everyone riled up to fight. The riots are one consequence of this and the last thing this industry needs to be doing is lying so hard to people about to hand over cash they can't afford. ME3 sparked it off last time and there was no pandemic at the time, I hope they're ready for part 2 because it WILL happen.