What went wrong?
Zelda BOTW
No dungeons
It's Zelda. Hell, it's Nintendo. Dunno why people actually thought it'd be good when they've literally never made a single good one.
shrines in place of actual dungeons that fit naturally into the world.
Map design should have expanded upon Twilight Princess' in my opinion. I remember first entering Snowpeak and being really disappointed that I couldn't explore the forest in the distance. It always looked so inviting.
You grew up and you do not enjoy things anymore.
botw literally has locations that look just like the pic on the left
no actual dungeons
shit shrines
mostly empty world with copy pasted objectives
it's sad honestly
Did that ps4 clone ever come out?
Making a big deal out of the open world when nobody has ever given a shit about the scale in Zelda despite Zelda1fags ramblings, it's so obvious they just wanted to make a neat physics puzzle game.
I'm so glad people are finally opening their eyes on how shitty BOTW is.
I've played nearly all zelda games and I can say in my opinion that it's one of the best
It's more that a couple of years of cooldown finally let the mega fans move onto other games or realize that it's okay for a game to have some faults. I remember it being really bad with Skyward Sword, with some of them comparing the crafting system to Skyrim and how it was mechanically deeper.
>d-d-days s-since Zig Forums cried o-over breathe of the wild xd
Yup. And for those who don't think it can happen, let me remind you that EVERY Zelda is hailed as the second coming of christ upon release. Also let me remind you that BOTW only got 0.5 higher user score than Skyward Sword on Metacritic (8.6 vs 8.1). People will turn on BOTW just like they turned on all the others. The Zelda cycle is real and it's going to bite BOTW in the ass hard.
>had to artificially boost the brightness to make the OoT dungeons not all look the same
>It's more that a couple of years of cooldown
why are nintendo fans so god damn slow on this stuff? they get amazed by the simplest things.
literally every day someone makes this thread.
it's pretty fucking obvious that BOTW is a towering acheivement in video games and y'all are just seething that no one talks about horizon zero dawn (i literally have to concentrate and think about the name it's so generic) anymore.
IDK what you're talking about schizo. OOT is naturally a very colorful game, unlike BOTW
Not enough dungeon/puzzle variety, not enough combat variety, and too much cooking.
Also music. I know with as big as the game is you can't have a few themes playing all the time, but having the Zelda theme kick on now and then was really needed. The sound of wind gets real damn old after awhile.
>just because a game isn't perfect means it's shitty
fuck off retarded faggot. btow is a good game despite having some flaws.
Usually they're younger fans who usually only have Nintendo products and/or a pc. The console would usually curate their own fanbase on recommendations through their own internal media. It lets them try out or look into games that are usually not that sought after or meant more as a side game, but they like to try it out just to see if it can bring an enjoyable experience. I was similar in the Wii era with Nintendo Channel and how it would suggest lots of great or interesting side games to try out, so I know a bit in how they would feel.
> "towering" achievement
> because the only points of interest in the world are AssCreed style towers
like pottery
I am a huge Nintendo fan, and I think there is a lot to appreciate about BotW, but it has many faults. It also bothers me that they couldn't be discussed when the game came out and hardly even now without this gay attitude. But in my experience all of Zig Forums is like this. Just a ton of people who will argue about anything instead of just honestly discussing video games.
There are unironically exactly two things to appreciate about BOTW:
1. The engine is a stunning technical achievement, especially for running on a handheld. The render distance is great and being able to see stuff the whole way across the game is neat
2. The divine beasts are really cool as puzzles. The lack of enemies and atmosphere is inexcusable, but if they were in a pure puzzle game then they would have been pretty fucking cool.
Aside from those two things, everything else about the game is dogshit without exception. That's all the generosity I'm willing to bestow on this dumpster fire of a game. It really is horribly designed in nearly every respect and not at all fun to play aside from the Divine Beasts.
>still seething
Picked up the game like four days ago and I'm loving it. Zig Forums really truly is fucking DESPERATE to believe this game is shit lmao. Literally the only thing I've found to be of serious fault is that sometimes the game robs itself of mystique by sticking mediocre rewards at the end of interesting sections instead of just letting them set in.
I enjoyed it minus any real dungeons. Hopefully the sequel corrects this.
It is an objectively awful videogame. Here is a game that does open world right with actually modern technology.
Whoops, you went 6 inches off the road there. Mission failed.
>blocks your path
Why does he look like a faggot
because rockstar fans tend to project quite a bit
BotW puzzles
>hmm this path is blocked
>I wish I had someone to give me a hint, but I suppose I have to figure this out on my own
>let's use the camera to check my surroundings
>ah, I see. There are a lot of dried vines there. and they seem to be connected to a wooden platform
>I believe I must shoot a fire arrow to burn down that platform so the iron ball I can't reach with magnesis can drop down
>oh, but I don't have fire arrows. Ah, right, I can just create some fire with firewood and a flint, then lit up the arrowhead
>however, if the ball drops, it's going to fall into the pit...
>ah, of course, as soon as it is dropping, I have to catch it with magnesis
>darn, it drops way too fast to time it well. Ah, right, I can stop time and catch it easier like that
>great! now I can continue my path with this iron ball
Previous 3D Zelda puzzles
>hey this path is blocked, try another route
>hey congrats on getting the dungeon item!
>now you can use dungeon item to unlock your path!
>let me just pan the camera as you enter the room to spoonfeed you the answer
>Link! pay attention to this room. I bet you can use the new item you got to open your way through
>see that switch? maybe you can push that block over there to keep it pressed!
>[puzzle solve jingle]
based on what?
This. It's almost like they didn't play the game.
the shrines were great. but yes, their aesthetics were soulless.
>implying that a lack of diversity is a bad thing
So this is nu Zig Forums...
I've noticed that every single person I've ever seen complain about this game complains about weapon durability, even though it's absolutely not a problem in any form if you're not a retarded hoarder
pro tip if you find a weapon that's better than any of the ones you have, drop one of yours and pick it up, retard
that's literally it, that's the solution to your entire problem
oh, that and stop being a moron who refuses to use his strongest weapons "in case i need them" when the reality is you'll find a replacement eventually anyway
Having heavily scripted, narrative driven missions that rival the flow and quality of a linear story game paired in with the best open world free roam ever released sure is worse than the... huh what missions were there in BotW? If I recall, you can literally go straight to Ganon from the start of the game lmao. What a trash generic as fuck copy paste "adventure" you have there Nintenyear olds.
Somebody post that webm of the most awful combat a videogame has ever had. You know the one, with the spear and on horseback.
it still fucking baffles me why people say that botw is the best open world game out there.
theres like fucking nothing to do.
oooh wow you can climb shit! so amazing!