Why was the Rock & Roll thread deleted? It's Rock Man's day today!
Mega Man
Other urls found in this thread:
bumpin for rock day
>many jokes about his high pitched voice acting in MM8 and sometimes MvC
>11 fixed it but it doesn't feel right with me
Is it bad that I want more classic megaman games with his high pitch voice?
I was looking for an actual download of this album for an unreasonable amount of time but as of two days ago I got it. In the spirit of archival and to make sure it's not lost in the bowels of the Russian sector of the internet again, here it is.
anonfiles com/Z5t01952o6/2006_-_MEGALOMANIA_-_Rockman_Guitar_Arrange_CD_DMCD-0001_rar
Thanks megabro!
Oh, any chance you can find some of their other doujin albums? Or any doujin albums in general? I'm looking for Newtype Destroyer and Omega Catastrophe.
>programmed the ability to love into robutts, hence hindering their efficiency
Why would they even do that?
I can't guarantee a fast upload but I'll make an honest attempt to do those two.
Holy fucking shit. I'd download all of those. I don't give a fuck how long it would take to upload them, I'll fucking wait. Bless you, you magnificent mother fucker.
11 sounds too old. I think his OVA voice was the best one.
Post Roll.
Huh. Never seen this before but I'll definitely check it out. Thanks user!
>Roll With Machine Gun
Roll With Machine Gun
It's notoriously hard to find, and YT rips of it tend to be in low quality because it's pretty old. The music in it is fucking amazing though. Best Rockman Day ever.
>Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot
Where the fuck is that pic from?
It's approximately 7.5GB for the whole thing; if I tried to upload it all at once, it'll be in the realm of 6 hours to finish at my upload speed.
Damn its that hard to come across? I guess were lucky to actually have a download link to save
If you're talking about the roll with the gun its from rockman x dive. They had a collab with classic megaman characters (Rock, Roll Protoman )
That said, if you're okay with waiting that long I'll skip just doing the two albums and go for the whole thing instead.
>retards who aren't looking for actual vidya discussion post OPs designed to derail the thread
>thread gets derailed
>jannies clean it up
You'd think they'd be smart enough to take their coomer shit to where there is indeed a lively Mega Man coomer thread ongoing, but low-IQ individuals have to keep shitting up Zig Forums instead.
Oh, it's from the gacha, but why does she have a fricking minigun? Wouldn't a Buster be more fitting?
Oh fuck, that's nuts. You could try posting links as they get done to /mmg/, but anything you upload is pretty much gold: DMC's stuff is notoriously tough to come by.
Only a crazy person would say no to that. I'm freaking the fuck out over this right now. I don't know how long this thread can stay up though, so think about where to post it to and for the love of god PLEASE keep us updated.
She's perfect.
You can honestly make them use whatever weapons you want. You can have roll fight with a fucking katana for all you want.
That looks hilarious, is the gacha even good though?
Someone posted this and started a racism fight with Black Lives Matter bullshit.
Lovely tan.
Friendly reminder that /mmg/ is back.
Its alright IMO. I know its gacha shit and
sometimes my frames drop on my phone (android user btw. Not sure on Iphone). But other than that its just your average MMX game.
This will be my backup if this thread dies before I can post it here. The upload is progressing slowly.
Absolutely BASED Hideki Ishikawa
You are a god among men. If I met you somewhere you'd be drinking for fucking free. Unequivocally based.
You could make a torrent. I'd imagine it'd be quicker.
Might be, although he may not be able to set one up for reasons. Either way I'm grateful.