It's so sad
It's so sad
At some point, COVID was a blessing.
Imagine all the fake gameplay videos we could have seen..
Is it because of racism?
>don't get to watch video game bullshots
>get a partially paid three month vacation
Not a bad trade off to be honest.
You honestly didn't enjoy the shitposting? Watching conferences with Zig Forums? How could you not enjoy the chaos?
fuck... think about the kinectimals
Well, at least there's Sony's thing on the 11th and the PC gaming show on the 13th. Shit not being condensed into a one week span makes it hard to plan anything concrete though as far as watching shit with anyone goes. It's kinda sad.
I'm kinda glad since lately my internet has been absolute shit and I wouldn't be able to watch the streams
Mega cringe...
Nope, Zig Forums are a bunch of lukers and contrarians. Even so, more so, now everything is politics. I don’t wanna read the same comment about right wing shit over and over.
COVID was a blessing.
Was gonna be shit with streamer crap anyway. Anything that mattered was going to be digital anyway.
No cringe compilations or shitpost threads this year...
Im more bummed no playoffs instead of E3. would've been finals rn but covid fucked up the season.
EEE is too similar to KKK so it had to be cancelled.
>no botw2 or bayo 3 info ever
Sportfags are pathetic.
We would've gotten the latest batmanerino saving Arkham for 203929292025th time bros
On the same place that bitches about everything?
I'm fucking bummed about the Olympics. The shitposting on /sp/ during the summer Olympics is one of the major reasons I still go to Zig Forums.
Kind of shitty of Sony to move their event to the same day as the indie showcase.
If it fucks football season up, i'm going to go on a rampage aand send a bomb to Bellachicken shit.
Sony was the only show I watched and in two days we'll get a show. I'm more than okay with E3 being dead.This place was a sad shit show every E3.
>No Treehouse
>No return of that girl with big tits
>No announcement that takes over the board
God this sucks
Who cares about indie devs anyways they're indie devs because noone cares about them. Fuck them
guys realistically speaking there was nothing worth since 2015,not even for shit post and the breath taking shit wasn't even funny,the only thing you really miss was that cute girl,deal with that,it was going to be shit
>if I didn't like it, then nobody did
>Fuck them
Fuck you and fuck Sony!
Who the fuck cares about Sony? They've been garbage ever since they left the PS2.
>I don't want to hear the truth because I don't like it
You're in the wrong place kid
>Who the fuck cares about Sony
Umm.... Literally everyone??? Hello?? Have you been living under a rock this whole time ? Lolz
what was so fun about it?,it even got a big chungus edit zoomer
FPBP. E3 has been shit for a long time.
>no drug trip in video form
It’s not fair...
all of those blm speeches at the beginning of every conference, like tears in the rain
Would they have delayed/canceled it anyway to honor the legacy of George "Gentle Giant" Floyd? Would E3 have gotten looted?
You're not a dallas cowgirls fan.... right??
kek thanks tyrone
>Literally everyone
'member when they figured out that bringing in an orchestra to play vidya OST was a better idea than having a musical guest no one cared about and costed a ton of money?
what ever happened to that?
Interesting filename, glownigger.
>it even got a big chungus edit zoomer
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? What does that mean? That's your argument against watching E3? "Big chungus"? Are you a schizo?
Your gaggle of whiny conspiracy cunts here don't have the truth regardless of how strong their superiority complex is.
Retard it was cancelled because of Covid not some retards chimping out because people are sick of police brutality
Sony did something worse this year. They donated 10mil to bail out looter niggers.
Ubisofts speech could have been amazing again. After the shooting at the gay bar they held a moment of silence with the just dance mascots on stage and then proceeded to show some shooter gameplay
cute butt
>my team is the best team and can do no wrong and they ALWAYS tell the truth
One day you'll grow up and stop being obsequious political cultists, don't worry!
Some people care about Playstation
A couple people
a few
oh don't worry,i'm sure they'll just reveal new games on some stream anyways
Jeaus christ your English is bad
Leave faggot, and save us all the trouble.
>This place was a sad shit show every E3.
I'm guessing it's because everyone here laughed at Sony's pathetic presentations for the past 3+ years
Are we going to have to watch a 20 minute eulogy before every one of these streams due to the "current circumstances"?
Hey look, it's the fag that can't take a stand on anything because he's a loser
okay tyrone
Cringefests are fun
I think I know how they do it actually. They put links to blm donations while the countdown goes down.
>Tales of Arise
>Banjo in Smash
What other exciting announcements did they made at E3 last year?
I tank a stand on things on a case-by-base basis depending on what's true and right, not what my overlords tell me is the correct answer.
Arguably we wouldn't get these protests if people had something to do, i.e. if coronavirus didn't exist
Would probably have just been a normal E3, with extra streamer bullshit
>police brutality
It's a meme. 9 unarmed people died to cops last year and most of them probably deserved it. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
oh no that sucks
Naaa, it is better than yours, you rural nigger. :D
Jesus, did people completely forget about corna?
At least they're gonna have a playoffs. Kinda excited to see how the new structure works.
There's people condemning the media for parading some gangbanger's corpse around like it's a new month long holiday? I think not
And what about when those cops opened fire into a busy highway and shot civilians?
If you aren't bummed about not being able to watch E3 with Zig Forums then you are a newfag, a tourist, and need to leave.
What does that have to do with my post?
>>I don't want to hear the truth because I don't like it
What truth? I only see a bunch of rural niggers getting angry at city niggers. Meanwhile the US government keeps getting away with fucking up people.
I wait for the
>oh no bros!!!
and the fact I can be watching, think jesus this sucks check /v and see you all agree.
Viruses can be replaced, people caint.